waderu (滑的魯夫?)
2022-08-03 19:32:50上上週的舊聞了, 覺得這球員有趣, 就來簡單翻譯一下。
第14或第15人, 我覺得T.Williams、巴西人Gui Santos 可能都有些機會。
GP2的位子比較像是Kuminga來頂,去年灰熊GP2受傷,也是 Kumi上來頂三場.這二人的打法在進攻的站位也的確是類似。
新簽的 Green 比較接近OPJ的定位,但傳導不及OPJ,比利查的位置 (可傳導的大個子) 仍沒有補上。
如果季中智將沒有頂上來,那T.Williams拿到第15張門票的機率蠻大的,大個子, 有高位傳導, (好吧加上爛防守),都跟比利查類似,
Trevion Williams
身高 6'8 (裸足6'7.25; 穿鞋6'8.75)
臂展 7'2.75
體重 265
學校 Purdue 大四畢業
生日 09/16/2000 (21.9 yrs)
大學最後一年:12pts/7.4reb/3.0ast, 2P%-55%, 3P%-35.7%
今年LasVegas夏聯, 加入綠賽打5場球: 7.4pts/6.6reb/1.8ast in 14.2min/game
下面主要分兩篇: 前面是新聞, 後面是選秀報告
1. 新聞:
Report: Trevion Williams, Dubs agree to Exhibit 10 contract
JUL 23, 2022
With most of the big-name NBA free agents off the board, teams like the
Warriors have started to fill out their training camp roster with unproven or
undrafted players.
On Friday, the Warriors agreed to an Exhibit 10 contract with undrafted
Purdue center Trevion Williams, The Athletic's Shams Charania reported,
citing sources.
勇士隊同意與落選的普渡大學中鋒 Trevion Williams (T.W)簽訂一份 Exhibit 10 合約
The 6-foot-10, 265-pound Williams played for the Boston Celtics during the
recently completed Las Vegas Summer League, and averaged 7.4 points while
shooting 45.7 percent from the field. He also averaged 6.6 rebounds and 1.8
assists in 14.2 minutes over five games.
身高 6-10 (? 不確定是否較選秀有長高?),體重 265 磅的T.W在最近結束的拉斯維加斯夏季聯賽中為綠賽效力,出賽五場場均14.2分鐘上場,7.4 分
,投籃命中率為 45.7%,6.6個籃板和1.8次助攻。
Williams spent four seasons at Purdue and as a senior, he averaged 12.0
points, 7.4 rebounds and 3.0 assists in 20.1 minutes over 37 games. His best
collegiate season came as a junior in 2020-21 when he averaged 15.5 points
and 9.1 rebounds in 28 games for the Boilermakers.
T.Williams在普渡大學度過了四個賽季,作為一名大四生,他在 37 場比賽中場均上場 20.1 分鐘得到 12.0 分、7.4 個籃板和 3.0 次助攻。他最好的大學表現是
2020-21 年的大三賽季,當時他在 28 場比賽中場均得到 15.5 分和 9.1 個籃板。
While the majority of the Warriors' roster and rotation appears to be set,
they should have at least one guaranteed roster spot available if Williams,
recent signing Mac McLung or someone else can impress enough to earn it.
雖然勇士隊的大部分輪換陣容已經確定,但如果T.W、Mac McLung 或其他人能夠給人留下深刻的印象,他們應該至少還有一個可用的保障容名額。
RELATED: Warriors have reason to believe JaMychal Green's past self shows up
If Williams is able to make the Warriors' regular-season roster, he would add
front court depth for a team that currently only has Kevon Looney and James
Wiseman as centers on the roster, with Draymond Green able to help out at the
2. 選秀報告:https://www.nbadraft.net/players/trevion-williams/
NBA Comparison: Mike Sweetney
Strengths: 優點
A gifted and unique blend of scoring and playmaking
from a frontcourt player …
Four-year contributor and star at Purdue averaging 11 points and
seven rebounds during his career …
Extremely high usage rate because of his ability to contribute
in so many ways at the offensive end …
Can bully opponents down low to get to his spot and knock down hook shots …
Seemingly has eyes in the back of his head at points to read defenses
and cuts with his back turned to the action …
在前場球員中具得分和組織能力天份的獨特存在,在普渡大學四年作為球星在他中平均得到 11 分和 7 個籃板,極高的使用率,因為他有能力在進攻端的很多方面做出貢獻,可以在低位取得有利位置並利用勾射得分,似乎後腦有長眼睛可以閱讀防守和背傳動作,
Very accurate passer who can rack up assists on post-ups and face ups …
Hits a ton of tough shots around the rim …
Decent ball-handler who worked on hesitation crossovers a ton in face
ups on the perimeter and the high post …
Good things usually happen with him working in the post whether it is
a shot for him or an opportunity to surround him with spacing and
open looks for others …
Competitive rebounder who is always looking ahead to start fast breaks …
Moves well for his size defensively, but better athletes will cause him
problems at the next level …
準確的傳球手,可以在面框和背框組織進攻,在籃筐周圍有一堆強硬的出手,在外線和高位 hesitation crossovers (這不知怎麼翻) 是不錯的控球手,他在那些位置運作通常有不錯的結果,不論是他自已投射,或製造一個空間給隊友的投籃機會或視野,有競爭力的籃板手,總是尋找發動快攻的機會,在防守端以他的體型防守的很好,但更好的選手會讓他在下一層級面臨問題。
Uses shimmies and an array of post moves to get opponents off balance and
draw contact that sends him to the line at a high rate …
Playmaking big men can allow coaches to be creative with their sets
and off-ball movement and Williams has the potential to be an elite
playmaking big with the right coaching …
Unique skill set that can make him a solid impact player in the right
system with the right players around him …
Selfless leader who plays with a ton of energy …
Weaknesses: 弱點
Not very mobile defensively and could be taken advantage of a lot in
screening action at the next level …
Doesn’t pose much of a threat on the perimeter with only 29 3-point
attempts in four years in college …
While he makes tough shots around the rim, this suggests he doesn’t
get a lot of separation and he can be over reliant on knocking these
shots down …
在防守端不是很靈活,在下一個級別可能很常會被當作擋拆的弱點,在大學四年裡只有 29 次三分球出手,在外線可能沒有太大的威脅,雖然他在籃筐附近拿到一些硬幹,但這表示他沒能拿到太多的空檔,他可能過度依賴這種進攻模式……
Can be a bit too flashy with his passes leading to more turnovers
than he should have.
Can make up his mind immediately after the entry pass whether he wants
to shoot or pass, causing him to make poor reads on some possessions …
他的傳球可能有點過於浮誇,導致較多失誤 (應該可以不那麼多的)。
Efficiency isn’t great in the post and he can throw up some crazy shots …
More of a traditional post scorer making him less accustomed for
the modern game from a scoring standpoint …
Without the development of an outside jumper, his scoring style won’t
fit in today’s NBA and his lack of efficiency could be frustrating
and cost him minutes early on …
低位效率不是很好,他是可以投出一些瘋狂的投籃就是,從得分的角度來看,他更像一個傳統的低位得分手,這會讓他不太習慣現代比賽風格,如果沒有外線跳投的發展,他的得分方式將無法適應當今的 NBA,他的缺乏效率可能沒法讓人滿意,並在早期花費一些時間去調整。
Measured: 6’7.25” barefoot, 6’8.75” in shoes, 9’0.5” standing reach,
264.6 lbs, 7’2.75” wingspan at the 2022 NBA Draft Combine …
Durable player who appeared in nearly every game during his career at Purdue … Went
from First-Team All-Big Ten and Honorable Mention All-American to Sixth Man
of the Year and Third-Team All-Big Ten in his senior season …
Averaged 8 points and 8 rebounds at Nike EYBL last summer …
測量:裸足 6'7.25",穿鞋 6'8.75",站立摸高 9'0.5",264.6 磅,
臂展 7 英尺 2.75 英寸 (在 2022 年 NBA 聯合選秀會量測)
First-Team All-Big Ten and Honorable Mention All-American的最佳第六人,
去年夏天在Nike EYBL 場均得到 8 分和 8 個籃板。
Invited to NBPA Top 100 Camp last June
Derek Bast 6/1/22
waderu (滑的魯夫?)
2022-08-04 09:39:00裸足6-7.25很夠了, 速度和臂展比較重要+1JD可打4和5號位, 但他沒有發牌傳導能力勇士現在陣型中前場只有嘴綠是夠格的發牌手這也是去年比利查防守洞還是主要輪替的原因也是季後賽小AI狀況不佳還是常常要上場的原因中前場沒有好的發牌手, 就會常常需要咖和茶來發牌這會降低後場的攻擊力這也是我比較看好TW和巴西人的原因這兩人都有機會把高低位發牌養出來