※ 引述《dounts (Donz GMAT)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《fangmole (Dean)》之銘言:
: 74.Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould has argued that many biological traits
: are not the products of natural selection, favored
: "due to their enhancement of reproduction or survival, but that they are"
: simply random by-products of other evolutionary developments.
: (C) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but
: (D) because they enhance reproduction or survival, but are
: 想詢問實戰上C、D的解題方法/觀念
: 看了Ron及語法筆記的解釋仍然不太明白為何選C會造成ambiguous
: 感謝各位版上神人釋疑!!