主要子句主詞為blending,動詞為suggests,介系詞片語 of平衡三個名詞
solar imagery, Judeo-Christian thought and figures, and the
images,其中三個大平衡中有小平衡Judeo-Christian thought and
所以三個以上的平衡資訊請注意不是非限定資訊, 結束平衡用, and即可
後面不需要再補出逗號, 舉個PP正確句例子:
his plays, novels, poems, and travel books remain almost unknown
outside his native Denmark.
這裏的主詞是四個名詞的平衡, 注意travel books後面不需要再用一個逗號
※ 引述《eronjay (小比)》之銘言:
: 想請問一下
: 原文底下回覆說此句結構是blending of [介1,介2,and介3]
: 可是我看不出有介系詞,看起來好像比較像名詞耶...
: 抱歉我的修辭超爛,可能問了個蠢問題,還請各位高手指教>"<
: ※ 引述《PINKENVI (是一條不歸路)》之銘言:
: : 16. (25451-!-item-!-188;#058&001942)
: : In her later poems, Phyllis Wheatley's blending of solar imagery,
: : Judeo-Christian thought and figures, and the images she borrowed
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : from ancient classicism suggesting her range and depth of influences,
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: : not the least of which is her African heritage.
: : (A) the images she borrowed from ancient classicism suggesting
: : (B) borrowing images from ancient classicism, suggests
: : (C) she borrowed images from ancient classicism, which suggests
: : (D) images borrowed from ancient classicism suggests
: : (E) images that she borrowed from ancient classicism, suggesting
: : ans:D
: : 主詞是blending,我不懂為啥動詞suggests前為啥沒有逗號分開。
: : 導致這整個句子怪怪的。
: : 謝謝^_^