[分享] 最新<161127 GRE機經真題整理>

作者: liamasso (字神帝國)   2016-12-10 15:33:05
【最新161127 GRE機經真題整理】
▲ 閱讀
1127 GRE閱讀:總共命中二篇閱讀真經班原題(共5題)
◆ 1127 GRE閱讀第一篇命中:Cotton Mather 科頓馬瑟
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
Counter a particular view about the work of a biographer
2. The author of the passage implies that an argument for the
historical accuracy of Mather's works is most strongly
supported by which of the following?
The quantity and nature of the sources from which Mather
obtained his information.
3. Information in the passage best supports which of the following
statements about Mather's biographies of the settlers of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony?
Mather's writings reflect an interest in the degree of economic
success achieved by early Massachusetts Bay colonists.
◆ 1127 GRE閱讀第二篇命中:Jane Austen Scholarship 珍奧斯汀研究
1. The author of the passage mentions The Man of Feeling (1771)
in order to
corroborate a claim that a convention of masculine behavior
changed during Austen's lifetime.
2. The passage suggests which of the following about scholarship
on Jane Austen?
After 1980, scholarship on Austen shifted toward a greater
emphasis on the historical context in which she wrote.
▲ 填空
◆填空命中真經班:The modest but functional…………
【真經班字源】wherewithal : n. 必要的方法,where(adv. 哪裡)+
withal(prep. 用以)→ 如何到達目的地 → means by which 何種手段
→ 為了達成目需用的手段 → 為做某事而需要的錢。
◆填空命中真經班:Politicians who invoke……
◆填空命中真經班:Investors are grateful……
【真經班字源】diffident : a. 缺乏自信的;膽怯的,< dif- =
dis-:相反 > + < -fid:faith信任 > → 去除信任 →
失去自信、沒信心 → 膽怯。
◆填空命中真經班:The contemporary trend……
【真經班解答】(i) intensity (ii) iconoclastic
【真經班字源】palpability: n.明顯;覺察,<pal-:feel感覺;觸摸>
→ 觸摸得到的 → 很明顯 → 可以察覺。
◆填空命中真經班:That S and W lack celebrity……
【真經班字源】esoteric : a. 圈內人才懂的,神祕的;密傳的;
< esote-:inside內部的 > → 內部人才懂的 → 神祕的。
◆填空命中真經班:The detection of molecular……
【真經班解答】(i) detection (ii) an unambiguous
【真經班字源】detection:n.察覺;發現;檢測,< de-:away 除去…>
+ < -tect:cover 覆蓋 > → 去除覆蓋物 → 揭露 → 察覺;發現
◆填空命中真經班:Despite the abundance……
【真經班解答】(i) ancestry (ii) obvious
【真經班字源】ancestry : n. 起源;出身;血統;祖先;家世,
< an- = ante-:before 之前 > + < -cest = -cede:go 行走 >
+ < -or:人 > → 走在前面的人 → 祖先 → 家世 → 起源;出身
◆填空命中真經班:Publishers, publicists, and broadcasters……
【真經班解答】(i) marketable artifacts (ii) a commercial
(iii) consumption
【真經班字源】rage:n./v. 暴怒;肆虐;激烈進行,rabies(n.狂犬病)
→ 像患狂犬病的狗一樣瘋狂 → 暴怒。
◆填空命中真經班:To pay for the extra spending……
【真經班解答】(i) a panacea (ii) materialize (iii) encourage
【真經班字源】materialize : v.使具體化;實現,material(a.物質的)
+ < -ize:動詞字尾 > → 使…成為物質 → 使…具體化 → 實現。
◆填空命中真經班:For many years……
【真經班解答】(i) reduce (ii) misguided (iii) captivated
【真經班字源】captivate : v. 迷住;迷惑,< cap-:hold 握住 >
→ 被抓住的 → 迷住;迷惑。
◆填空命中真經班:Given children's active fantasy live……
【真經班解答】(i) an acquired (ii) advanced (iii) demands
【真經班字源】acquisitive : a.貪得無厭的,< -quisit:quest尋求>
◆填空命中真經班:Communicating articulately……
【真經班解答】feigned = false
【真經班字源】feigned : a. 假裝的,< feig- = fact-:do 做 >
→ 做假的 → 假裝的。
◆填空命中真經班:Even the cleverest use……
【真經班解答】augment = extend
◆填空命中真經班:Coagulation factors……
【真經班解答】belie = mask
【真經班字源】belie : v. 掩飾;與…不符;給予…錯誤印象,
< be-:動詞字首 > + lie(v. 說謊)→ 掩飾。
◆填空命中真經班:Progressive and reactionary……
【真經班解答】dichotomous = contradictory
【真經班字源】dichotomy:n.二分法,< di-:two> + < -tom:cut>
→ 切割成二部分 → 二分法。(通常因矛盾而彼此排斥的兩部分)
◆填空命中真經班:The researcher noted……
【真經班解答】diminutive = minuscule
【真經班字源】diminutive:a.非常小的,< di-=de-:thoroughly徹底地>
+ < -min = -mini:small 小的 > → 非常小的
◆填空命中真經班:Aerial viewings of……
【真經班解答】reveal = manifest
【真經班字源】reveal : v. 顯示;透露,< re-:back > +
< -veal:veil 面紗 > → 揭開面紗 → 透露
◆填空命中真經班:Although the settlement……
【真經班解答】implacable = unyielding
【真經班字源】implacable : a. 不能安撫的;難和解的;無法平息的,
< im- = in-:not 否定字首 > + placate(v. 撫慰)→ 不能安撫的。
◆填空命中真經班:H L's narration……
【真經班解答】a hodgepodge = a patchwork
【真經班字源】hodgepodge : n. 大雜燴;混合物,< hodge-:shake 搖 >
+ < -podge: pod 鍋子 > →搖鍋子煮大雜燴 → 混合物。
◆填空命中真經班:Advantages made to ecosystem……
【真經班解答】yield = engender
【真經班字源】engender : v. 產生;引起,< em-:in 進去 >
+ < -gen:generate 產生 >
▲ 數學
◆同學回報:A1 = 2 ,A2 = 5, An = An-1/An-2,問 A135為多少?
▲ 寫作
[82、94] 命中GRE作文黃寶書11月號
Argumen: 76、78、132、171、177
[76、78、132 ] 命中GRE作文黃寶書11月號
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