※ 引述《ph861403 (欸斯君)》之銘言:
: Sunflower Activist Terrorizes Taipei Subway, 4 Dead
: The Dallas Blog has just received information from credible sources in
: Taipei, Taiwan that the university student, who went on a stabbing spree at
: the Taiwan MRT subway station yesterday and killed four people, was allegedly
: affiliated with the Sunflower student activist group, which is a Leftist
: Democracy movement.
: Dallas Blog根據台北的一個可信來源說明,
: 臺灣的大學生昨天在捷運殺了四個人,
: 據說這個人是太陽花學運組織的成員。
: 而太陽花學運是一個左派民主運動。
不好意思 無意冒犯
我最近莫名其妙地回想起 那幾日參加太陽花學運遊行的日子
好像在現場 有看到過一個長得很像鄭捷的人 @@
想不到本來的鄭捷也是一位關心社會時事的熱血青年 又或者牠只是想在現場下殺手?
還是只是另一個長得像鄭捷的人呢?? 這就不得而知了
: According to ABS CBN News, "Four people were killed and 21 wounded in a
: stabbing attack Wednesday afternoon on a Taipei subway train, after which
: police arrested a male university student as a suspect, authorities said."
: A Taiwan source described Sunflower group as copying, "the little Red Guard
: from the Chinese Cultural Revolution for political gain."
: 根據ABS跟CBN,四個人被殺,21人受傷。
: 來自臺灣的情報說明,太陽花團體就像是文革的紅衛兵。
: As reported by ABS CBN News, "The suspect, reportedly a 21-year-old sophomore
: at Tunghai University in Taichung, began the stabbing spree at Longshan
: Temple Station, on the Taipei Metro's Banqiao Line that runs between Taipei
: and New Taipei, at the start of the evening rush hour."
: ABS跟CBN說嫌犯是21歲的東海學生...(以下是事件概述)
: Billionaire tycoon George Soros is considered a strong supporter of the
: Sunflower Group and allegedly a generous donor for them.
: To read the entire article from ABS CBN News, link here:
: Tmcgregordallas@yahoo.com
: 到底是哪個「可信來源」散佈這種消息,
: 說鄭捷跟太陽花學運有關=____=
: http://ppt.cc/eSpS