※ 引述《a1282 (挖挖挖)》之銘言:
: 假設,以後會有某個超級太陽風暴襲擊地球,因而低緯度也會受到巨大影響(不大可能)
: 這個也不用怕啦!
: 現在科學家對太陽風暴的研究已經非常深入,何時襲擊到地球的時間都可以預估的
: 科學家對於太陽風暴何時襲擊地球的預測比某些天氣預報還准勒
: 算准時間,提前做好準備,第一可短時間加強突波保護裝置來避免
: 第二是乾脆在那一兩天把地球上的電網全面斷電來避免劇烈的電磁振盪
寧可在網路上自稱打臉 也不願意去找原文來看
這件事沒這麼難吧? 不查文獻就驟下結論符合科學精神嗎?
原文在此 算是很短
Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012
"Without the kind of coverage afforded by the STEREO mission, we as a society
might have been blissfully ignorant of this remarkable solar storm," notes
Baker. "How many others of this scale have just happened to miss Earth and
our space detection systems? This is a pressing question that needs answers."
If Riley's work holds true, there is a 12% chance we will learn a lot more
about extreme solar storms in the next 10 years—when one actually strikes
Says Baker, "we need to be prepared."
所以也不要再說啥 NASA 壓住消息兩年的陰謀論了
人家好不容易研究出來了 你還是沒看啊...