shiuping (peter)
2014-12-24 22:46:201.媒體來源:mail online
ISIS 'shoot down' and capture pilot of Jordanian F-16 jet that was assisting
U.S-led coalition strikes in Syria
Isis terrorists have 'shot down' a Jordanian F-16 warplane over Syria
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says Arab pilot has been captured
Isis published photos showing the captured pilot surrounded by fighters
The pilot has been named as Mu'ath Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh
Jordanian military not clarified whether jet crashed or was brought down
ISIS宣稱在敍利亞擊落了約旦的一架F-16, 飛行員彈射後被活捉
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):http://ppt.cc/uQV3
5.備註:從照片看來該F-16飛官真的被活捉, 依證件上的照片
唉, 被 ISIS活捉, 下場.....