[新聞] 為教育孩子 美國某家庭製造假綁架遭起訴

作者: fantazy00077 (Andy)   2015-02-08 00:19:51
Missouri boy's family stages kidnapping to teach him the dangers of strangers
Friday 6 February 2015 16.17 GMT
A six-year-old Missouri boy’s mother, grandmother and aunt face charges after
authorities said they staged his kidnapping because they believed he was too
nice to people and they wanted to teach him about possible danger from
The Lincoln County sheriff’s office said on Thursday the three wanted to scare
the boy. Authorities say they enlisted help from the aunt’s co-worker, who
lured the child into his pickup after he got off a school bus on Monday.
Authorities said the man told the boy he wouldn’t “see his mommy again”, and
that he would be “nailed to the wall of a shed”, the St Louis Post-Dispatch
reported. He showed the boy a handgun in an effort to make him stop crying,
authorities said.
The man tied the child’s hands and feet with plastic bags and blindfolded him
with a jacket, the sheriff’s office said, before he drove the boy to his Troy
home. Authorities said the boy was kept in the basement for a while, before
being untied and told to go upstairs, where he was lectured about staying away
from strangers.
Investigators said the boy’s family said they wanted to educate him about the
harm of talking to strangers and felt they had done nothing wrong.
The mother is charged with felony kidnapping and abuse or neglect of a child.
The others are charged with felony kidnapping, felonious restraint, and abuse
or neglect of a child. All four were being held in Lincoln County jail in lieu
of $250,000 bail.
Police were alerted after the boy told school officials. He has been placed
into protective custody.
source: theguardian
作者: jpadesky (何も知らない老人(′・ω・‵)   2015-02-08 00:20:00
作者: AtomCat (三十而立四十而不惑)   2015-02-08 00:20:00
作者: HELLDIVER (Ζzz...)   2015-02-08 00:21:00
作者: senma (ライフ☆ライン)   2015-02-08 00:21:00
作者: mkzkcfh (mkzk)   2015-02-08 00:21:00
作者: glaciereyes (諾言法律事務所)   2015-02-08 00:21:00
作者: s902131 (黃金腎鬥士)   2015-02-08 00:22:00
作者: HELLDIVER (Ζzz...)   2015-02-08 00:22:00
搞不好是小孩自己報案der 現在小孩精明得很
作者: les5277 (小賭怡情,大賭興家。)   2015-02-08 00:22:00
讓我想起一部電影 THE GAME
作者: YHank (Hank--since 2002/10)   2015-02-08 00:24:00
作者: lien ( )   2015-02-08 00:24:00
作者: rie779 (這些鉛筆通通都是我的)   2015-02-08 00:24:00
作者: s902131 (黃金腎鬥士)   2015-02-08 00:25:00
他是找阿姨的同事當綁匪 小孩不認識阿
作者: lien ( )   2015-02-08 00:25:00
現在都知道是家人做的了啊 以後還會相信家人嗎
作者: wts4832 (住在海邊的地瓜)   2015-02-08 00:26:00
演戲就要演完全套啊 XDDD
作者: robertchun (我是大廢物)   2015-02-08 00:26:00
作者: s902131 (黃金腎鬥士)   2015-02-08 00:26:00
所以如果沒有被揭穿 這方法不錯不是嗎
作者: pp1877 (低調之神)   2015-02-08 00:27:00
作者: h70575 (豆乳)   2015-02-08 00:28:00
綁架很恐怖 連成人都難以承受了 何況小孩
作者: ugreat (Great)   2015-02-08 00:32:00
作者: alcard22 (AL)   2015-02-08 00:32:00
作者: vn509942 (如履薄冰)   2015-02-08 00:42:00
作者: s9523752 (Wayne Chang)   2015-02-08 00:46:00
犯什麼法? 虐待兒童合法嗎= =? 你生一個來讓我虐好了...
作者: tsming (斷水流大師兄)   2015-02-08 00:46:00
這種智商有資格談教育孩子嗎XD 搞不好創傷後壓力症候群

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