1.媒體來源:BBC 新聞
BBC的Top Gear主持人Jeremy Clarkson因為與一位製作人發生衝突而被停職
Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended by the BBC after what it
called a "fracas" with a producer.Sources said he was accused of hitting the
producer in an incident last week, and the remaining three episodes of the
current series might not be broadcast.The BBC confirmed one episode - due for
broadcast on Sunday - would not be shown, but gave few further details.
Clarkson, 54, has not commented, but has been joking on social media about
films that could replace Sunday's show.He was given what he called his "final
warning" last May after claims he used a racist word during filming.
At the time, he said the BBC had told him he would be sacked if he made "one
more offensive remark, anywhere, at any time".In a statement earlier, the BBC
said: "Following a fracas with a BBC producer, Jeremy Clarkson has been
suspended pending an investigation."No one else has been suspended.
"Top Gear will not be broadcast this Sunday.
"The BBC will be making no further comment at this time."
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
聽說大猩猩跟一位製作人打架了 然後因為之前已經被BBC特別警告了
禮拜一晚上九點MOD的BBC KNOWLEDGE不知道會撥啥
可是看目前三人組推特上的言論 似乎還好
S22這季真是多災多難阿 先是在阿根廷被人丟石頭
然後918 P1 LaFerrari三台車就是沒辦法放在一起比賽
不是才說BBC又跟這三人又簽了三年約嗎? 還能撐下去嗎?