※ 引述《staff23 (筆名蘇溫永(政治清潔工))》之銘言:
: 中國人不要亂騙人好嗎
: Wisconsin 一直被拿來台灣太陽花救援
: 問題是人家的州法有明文規定
: 台灣沒有阿
: 同樣的去看看NewYork
: 只不過在華爾街搭個帳篷就被驅離了
: 可以請王丹回中國治病嗎
: 機票錢我幫你出
: ※ 引述《Ho1liday (江湖唯有英雄志)》之銘言:
: : 王丹網站 Wang Dan's Page
: : 10小時 · 編輯紀錄 ·
: : 且看美國執法當局如何處理這起事件。
: : 且看美國人有多少說他們是暴民,不該佔領立法機構的。
: : 且看那些過去說:“任何國家都不會允許這種行為”的人,那些說“美國社會不會這樣”
: : 的人,要怎麼自圓其說。
: : 且看吧。
推 YU0158: 哪條州法明文規定 我想看 03/12 07:38
Why the Permit Policies in the U.S. Capitol Are Irrelevant
At a recent forum to discuss the new DOA policy, one participant asked, if
the U.S. Capitol Police can ban demonstrations altogether within their
building, why can’t the Department of Administration impose restrictions in
the State Capitol building that are something less than a complete ban? The
simple answer to this question is that the U.S. Capitol building is not
considered a public forum, while the Wisconsin State Capitol is.
In Gaylor v. Thompson, 939 F. Supp. 1363 (W.D. Wis. 1996), District Judge
Barbara Crabb held that the Wisconsin State Capitol is a public forum. This
ruling is unsurprising. The interior of the Wisconsin State Capitol building
has traditionally been a site for public expression and protest. As a result,
any restrictions on speech within the Wisconsin State Capitol building must
meet the stricter standard described above. As stated by Judge Crabb:
In this instance, the state of Wisconsin has opened the capitol rotunda to a
variety of displays and exhibits and must be considered a public forum for
the purpose of First Amendment analysis. However, that decision does not mean
that the state is prohibited from imposing certain regulations on the time,
place and manner of the displays. The state can implement such restrictions
provided they “are justified without reference to the content of the
regulated speech, that they are narrowly tailored to serve a significant
governmental interest, and that they leave open ample alternative channels
for communication of the information.”
在蓋洛訴湯普森,939 F.增刊。 1363(WD威斯康星州1996年),區域法院法官芭芭拉