※ 引述《t00750 ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ipod89757 (福爾蘑菇)》之銘言:
: : 本魯從幼稚園大班就開始學鋼琴 到國中畢業才停止
: : 雖然沒繼續往音樂的道路走下去
: : 但是也從音樂受到很多啟發
: : 像我對電吉他很有興趣
: : 老師帶我入門三個月 我後來就可以自己看譜自己練了
: : 老師也覺得我底子還不錯 拍子 認譜都不用從頭學
: : 如果沒有之前的訓練我想我不會學得這麼快
: : 我妹也差不多從國小開始學鋼琴
: : 後來就一路從音樂班讀到音樂系 目前大三
: : 不過有很多親戚就會說什麼
: : 又沒有要當音樂老師 學什麼音樂之類的
: : 或是花那麼多錢還不是沒有走音樂這條路云云
: : 有沒有從小學音樂的小孩的父母在想什麼的八卦??
: 一點也不好,小朋友常常三分鐘熱度,只是燒父母的錢又沒成果
: 所以本蛇沒學,女生真的欣賞"有才華"的男生,沒才華只能尻尻
: 所以學了鋼琴、小提琴,但還是在八卦板仇女
: 原來女生說的"有才華"是指可以生出很多$$$$$$$$$$$$$$的才華
* Students who were exposed to music-based lessons scored a full 100% higher
on fractions tests than
those who learned in the conventional manner.
~ Neurological Research, March 15, 1999
* The schools that produced the highest academic achievement in the United
States today are
spending 20% to 30% of the day on the arts, with special emphasis on music.
~ International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement
(IAEEA) Test, 1988
* High school music students have been shown to hold higher grade point
averages (GPA) than
non-musicians in the same school.
~ National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988
* The College Entrance Examination Board found that students in music
appreciation scored 63 points
higher on verbal and 44 points higher on math than students with no arts
~ College-Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers.
Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination
Board, 2001
* Children who have received music instruction scored higher marks on tests
of their spatial and
arithmetic skills.
~ Rauscher, F.H., Shaw, G.L., Levine, L.J., Wright, E.L., Dennis, W.R., and
Newcomb, R., Music training causes long-term
enhancement of preschool children's spatial temporal reasoning, 1997