ru04ul4 (拒絕)
2015-05-09 22:52:46http://tinyurl.com/pepdwan
一名科羅拉多州32歲的女子Forsythia Owen
2013年9月她以球棒重擊42歲的男子Denzel Rainey致死
法院週五判二級謀殺 一級傷害 處38年徒刑
當時Rainey睡在一條巷子裡 Owen用路易斯維爾球棒攻擊
造成頭顱骨折 頭部撕裂傷 左臂骨折 六處肋骨骨折 肝臟破裂 左睪丸內出血
"Rainey沒有犯下這些行為" 法官表示 "人們對他的記憶不應該被玷汙"
A Colorado woman was sentenced Friday to 38 years in prison for beating a man
to death with a baseball bat because she wrongly suspected him of molesting a
child, The Denver Post reported.
Forsythia Owen, 32, of Englewood, was convicted of second-degree murder,
first-degree assault and tampering with evidence in the September 2013 death
of Denzel Rainey, 42.
Owen told authorities she repeatedly struck Rainey with a Louisville Slugger
bat as he was sleeping in an alley because her 4-year-old daughter claimed he
had touched and sexually abused her.
Rainey was found with a skull fracture, cuts to his head, a broken left arm,
six broken ribs, a laceration to the liver and a left testicle hemorrhage,
CBS Denver reported. He died hours later at a hospital.
Owen's molestation claims against Rainey were unfounded and she had no
evidence to support them, authorities said.
Owen, who had been drinking and smoking marijuana, and had a history of
mental illness and run-ins with the law, was urged by friends to tell
authorities of the allegations.
However, she engaged in "misplaced, vigilante justice," said Jason Siers,
senior chief deputy district attorney in Arapahoe County.
"Rainey was not guilty of any of those acts," District Court Judge Marilyn
Leonard Antrim said, according to the Post. "His memory should not be
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