A6 (çŸID真好)
2015-06-15 03:54:06※ 引述《Lu331 (oo)》之銘言:
: 5.之前就貼出世界權威單位 美國CDC對韓國旅遊的建議
: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/mers-republic-of-korea
: 美國也建議美國人不必更改去韓國的計畫
: 有網友卻吐槽這是六月五日的文章
: 沒錯 他是六月五日的文章 但他在六月十一日有更新
: 也就是這還是最新的建議 況且若建議沒有變 你幹嘛要沒天修改
: 我不知道你們在誤導什麼?
: 新增第六點
MERS in the Arabian Peninsula
Cases of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have been identified in
multiple countries in the Arabian Peninsula.* There have also been cases in
several other countries in travelers who have been to the Arabian Peninsula
and, in some instances, their close contacts. Two cases were confirmed in May
2014 among two health care workers living in Saudi Arabia who were visiting
the United States. For more information, see CDC’s MERS website.
CDC does not recommend that travelers change their plans because of MERS.
Most instances of person-to-person spread have occurred in health care
workers and other close contacts (such as family members and caregivers) of
people sick with MERS. If you are concerned about MERS, you should discuss
your travel plans with your doctor.
CDC到現在也沒建議取消去Arabian Peninsula的計畫阿
但韓國旅客去了 回來就大傳播 你覺得cdc是會對韓國負責喔
還是你覺得台灣大傳播 CDC是會對台灣負責阿
抱歉捏 人家只對美國人負責好嘛