※ 引述《RalphWang (洛夫汪汪汪)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《xppig (XP小豬)》之銘言:
: : (我補充一個例子:德國梅克爾總理在兩德統一前也曾是東德共產黨幹部)
: 想睡覺了懶得全回,
: 我就只戰你所謂的第三點。
: 梅克爾一開始是學者,在東德科學院物理化學中央學會做研究,
: 1989年柏林圍牆倒塌後她第一次加入一個新興的東德民主政黨「民主覺醒」,
: 推動民主改革,因為選舉獲勝而成為政府的一個副發言人。
: 誰跟你說她是共產黨幹部?
: 誰跟你說她是共產黨幹部?
: 誰跟你說她是共產黨幹部?
以下摘自維基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Merkel
大意是說梅克爾曾經是東德共產黨發起的 FDJ(Free German Youth,類似共黨
青年團的組織) district board 成員,並且是 secretary for "Agitprop"
(Agitation and Propaganda, 鼓動和宣傳)。梅克爾宣稱自己是 secretary
for "culture"(文化),但 FDJ district board 的前主席予以反駁。
Like most young people in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany),
Merkel was a member of the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official youth
movement sponsored by the ruling Socialist Unity Party.
Although membership was nominally voluntary, those who did not join found
it all but impossible to be admitted to higher education. She did not
take part in the secular coming of age ceremony Jugendweihe, however,
which was common in East Germany; instead, she was confirmed.
Later, at the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of the FDJ district
board and secretary for "Agitprop" (Agitation and Propaganda).
Merkel claimed that she was secretary for culture. When Merkel's one-time
FDJ district chairman contradicted her, she insisted that: "According to
my memory, I was secretary for culture. But what do I know? I believe I
won't know anything when I'm 80."
在當時的東德,未加入 FDJ 的年輕人,可能無法接受高等教育。
: 你知道梅克爾自承東德政權對她最大的「幫助」是甚麼嗎?
: 是在東德的全面思想審查下,她培養出很輕鬆隱藏情緒和想法的能力。
: 很巧的是這種思想審查的工作,
: 在台灣戒嚴時代,其中一個負責的政府單位叫做「新聞局」,
梅克爾曾經擔任 secretary for "Agitprop",她自己則堅稱是 for "culture"。