U.S.News education 日前發佈2015年全球工科大學排名榜
1.清華大學Tsinghua University ChinaBeijing
2.麻省理工學院Massachusetts Institute of Technology United StatesCambridge, MA
3.加州大學伯克利分校University of California-Berkeley United StatesBerkeley, CA
4.浙江大學Zhejiang University ChinaHangzhou, Zhejiang
5.南洋理工大學Nanyang Technological University Singapore
並列5.新加坡國立大學National University of Singapore Singapore
7.哈爾濱工業大學Harbin Institute of Technology ChinaHarbin, Heilongjiang
8.斯坦福大學Stanford University United StatesStanford, CA
9.喬治亞理工學院Georgia Institute of Technology United StatesAtlanta, GA
10.香港城市大學City University of Hong Kong Hong KongKowloon, Hong Kong
29.國立成功大學 30.國立臺灣大學 69.國立清華大學