1.媒體來源: Daily Sun Knoxville 2.完整新聞標題: Half Life 3 Steam Database Leak: It Just Can’t Get Any More Real 戰慄時空三資料庫自Steam流出,消息不能更真啦 3.完整新聞內文: We have been seeing a lot of leaks when it comes to Half Life 3 and one of the latest of the leaks comes from Steam. 最近有很多關於HL3的消息流出,而最新的消息是來自Steam Valve is behind the PC gaming platform and Half Life 3 and it has been updated with entry App 323900 and what surprised people was the fact that alongside the entry was the logo of Half Life 3. Valve在該平台上更新的 App 323900 中出現了HL3的Logo The leak was rectified by Valve once the developer had been notified about it but this has to be the biggest leak yet and it means that Half Life 3 can’t get any more real than this apart from the game coming out. 而該資料在被發現後很快就被修正了,這正是截至目前為止最大的消息, 亦即除了遊戲推出之外沒有更令人感到HL3近在眼前了 This is down to the fact that this time the leak about Half Life 3 came from the developer themselves and it is proof that the game is under development. 這個來自開發商自己的消息可以證明HL3確實有在研發製作 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://goo.gl/ug1vy9 5.備註: 真相 http://goo.gl/9WjI3z 現在心情 http://goo.gl/H1PxcQ 雖然每次都被唬爛,但這次真的看起來像是真的 究竟會不會再被G胖唬爛,究竟G胖會不會數三呢? 還是說只能繼續看這個影片看Freeman都要變肥宅了繼續酸Valve? 水管連結注意 https://goo.gl/keKxtQ