美國《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post) 的政治專欄 The Monkey Cage數小時前
剛剛刊登的報導,標題為Taiwan and mainland China in talks? Here are the
5 things you need to know about what Taiwanese people are thinking.
/ 台灣跟中國要會談?台灣人的想法,有五件事你應該知道。 /
1.The Taiwanese people want talks with mainland China
/ 台灣民眾希望與中國對話 /
In the 2014 survey,... , 68.5 percent of our respondents said yes, while
only 22.5 percent were opposed.
2. Everyone’s in favor of talks, regardless of party
/ 不論黨籍的人都願意展開對話 /
But Taiwanese of all parties support talks. In the 2014 survey, that’s
true of a large majority of supporters of Eric Chu, the KMT presidential
candidate, or 82.9 percent. It’s true also for a substantial majority
of Tsai Ing-wen supporters, the DPP presidential candidate, or fully 66.3
3. Supporting talks is not the same as supporting unification
/ 支持會談不等於支持統一 /
Over the past 12 years, a majority of Taiwanese people support the status
quo, which means to maintain the not-quite-official separate status.
Meanwhile, support for unification is dropping. Those who agreed with
“seeking unification with China quickly” and “maintaining the status quo
now and seeking unification later” now total only 7.3 percent of our
respondents, a significant drop from 20 percent in 2003.
4. Taiwan is looking for a way out of the impasse
/ 台灣正在尋求出路 /
For the past 12 years, consistently around 80 percent of respondents said
they supported Taiwan’s independence if independence would not cause
mainland China to attack Taiwan (the yellow line in the figure below).
So far, the “status quo” has been a rational, yet reluctant, choice.
5. The Taiwanese worry about economic dependence on China
/ 台灣人擔心對中國的經濟依賴 /
This concern was manifested in the Sunflower Movement in March 2014, in
which students and activists occupied the Taiwanese parliament for 23 days
with the goal of stopping the Cross-Strait Service Trade Pact (CSSTP).
6. Conclusion / 結論 /
In general, the Taiwanese support talks with the mainland that which can
maintain the status quo and enhance economic prosperity without giving up
sovereignty, no matter which party is in power. Unification is out of the
question, and independence is a difficult dream.
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