目前認定飛行員的存活機率不大 恐怕已經死亡
BAGDAD, Arizona — The latest developments in the crash of an F-16 fighter in northwestern Arizona. (All times local):
5:30 p.m.
Luke Air Force Base officials say a student pilot from Taiwan is feared dead after an F-16 fighter jet crashed in northwestern Arizona.
They say crews were still looking for the man late Thursday afternoon, and signs indicate that he didn't survive.
The pilot's name wasn't immediately released.
Base officials say the pilot was six months into a training program at Luke, which is a major training base for the Air Force and foreign military services.
They say the crash occurred about 8:30 a.m. Thursday as the student pilot and an instructor in another F-16 were engaged in air-to-air combat training.
Authorities say the cause of the crash isn't immediately known.
※ 引述《DavidEaston (D.Easton)》之銘言:
: https://goo.gl/hC3Tuk
: 空軍派駐亞歷桑納州路克基地F-16戰機墜毀,飛行員殉職
: 一名中華民國空軍F-16飛行員,於當地時間1月21日早上0845時,進行單機空戰訓練科目
: 時戰機墜毀,失事原因尚待調查。
: 墜機地點在亞歷桑納州巴格達西北邊16公里處,飛行員咸信已經殉職。
: 空軍司令部今(22)日表示,本部駐美國路克基地乙架F-16型單座戰機(編號6711號),
: 由飛行官高鼎程少校駕駛,於美西當地時間21日0900時(臺灣時間22日0000時),執行例
: 行訓練過程中,不幸失事墜毀,美方已派員全力搜救,我駐華府軍事代表團人員已立即前
: 往協處。
: 空軍司令部指出,高鼎程少校係空軍官校96年班畢業,飛行時數865小時。
: A student pilot from Taiwan is feared dead after an F-16 fighter jet from
: Luke Air Force Base near Phoenix crashed Thursday in a remote area of
: northwestern Arizona, authorities said.
: Base officials said the man with the Taiwanese Air Force was flying solo and
: engaged in air-to-air combat training with an instructor when his F-16 went
: down for still unknown reasons.
: ========================================================
: 好像台灣的新聞都沒報
: 但美國當地的新聞跟我國空軍司令部都證實這項消息了
: 教官 Rest In Peace