Nature: Hillary Clinton will make a fine US president
And not only because she is not Donald Trump.
雖然是標榜頂尖學術期刊, 但是 站出來
個人不是非常同意這類的做法, 但是看在是.com就覺得算了
儘管只是個"fine", 但是will這個字就表態站在民主黨這
可惜台灣沒有這類的頂尖科技論文機構, 想不出類比
" Clinton is a quintessential politician — and a good one at that. She has shown tremendous understanding of
complex issues directly relevant to Nature’s readers, and has engaged with scientists and academics.
Take health: as first lady, she led attempts to expand health care in the early years of her husband Bill
Clinton’s presidency."
希拉蕊是個很典型的政客, 而且還是蠻厲害的那種. 她很懂那些跟Nature讀者相關的複雜問題, 而且他都會跟科學家與學者
接觸. 至於民生健康問題, 她曾以一位第一夫人分份, 嘗試推動並且擴大健康保險
稍微看了一下整篇文章, 大致上的tone都是支持希拉蕊,
好了, 繼續看光緒熊打躲人