abn (abn)
2016-12-16 05:37:57這個是真實案例嗎?還是你假設的?
"意思就是明明就只有一百人投票 最後卻出現兩百票的情況"
Detroit’s mismatched votes
Here is a breakdown of the irregularities in Detroit’s 662 precincts:
■236 precincts in balance — equal numbers of voters counted by workers and machines
■248 precincts with too many votes and no explanation (77 were 1 over; 62 were 2 over, 37 were 3 over, 20 were 4 over, 52 were 5 or more over).
■144 precincts with too few votes and no explanation (81 were 1 under, 29 were 2 under; 19 were 3 under; 7 were 4 under; 8 were 5 or more under)
■34 precincts out of balance but with an explanation
Source: Wayne County Clerk’s Office
另外Judge Napolitano現在只是FoxNews的名嘴.
※ 引述《angellll (長尾巴的天使)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/z36ouk2
: 這次希迷輸不起 發起的重新計票活動
: 在密西根有了新的進展
: 簡單的說 當重新計票員打開選票箱時
: 發現
: 一堆投開票所 實際投的票 "遠比"記載在投票名簿上面的多
: 舉例:
: 意思就是明明就只有一百人投票 最後卻出現兩百票的情況
: 而這情況出現的地方 95% 主要都是投給希拉蕊的選區
: 而且又是以底特律最為嚴重
: 按照密西根的法令 如果發生選票對不上投票人數
: 那這個地方的選票直接變成最後結果 而不能重新recount
: 舉一個例子
: Republican state senators last week called for an investigation in
: Wayne County, including one precinct where a Detroit ballot box contained
: only 50 of the 306 ballots listed in a poll book, according to an observer for Trump.
: 有一個投開票所發現 有一個票櫃裡面 竟然有306票 可是當日止記載了50票被投而已
: 而民主黨監票員雙手一攤 表示 不知情
: 把地區遮起來 跟國民黨三十年前作的事情 是不是很像
: 難怪民主黨一直反對 投票證件法