eddieyu (正妹都愛ばか囧)
2016-12-17 15:43:53經5年調查後警長堅稱歐巴馬出生證明是假的
Phoenix sheriff insists president Obama's birth certificate
is 'fake' after five-year ‘investigation’
County sheriff Joe Arpaio no longer openly disputes the president’s
birth country - but now he says his birth certificate is a fake
"I hope we enlighten you of what the real story and evidence is all about
regarding this fake, fake birth certificate."
In Phoenix, Maricopa country sheriff Joe Arpaio gathered around 40
journalists and members of the public to make his big announcement.
於鳳凰城,警長Joe Arpaio聚集了大約40名記者和民眾為了要公開這項聲明
President Barack Obama’s birth certificate was a forged document, he said,
and his five years’ investigation would be turned over to congress and
federal government so they could take action.
On a powerpoint, accompanied by Mike Zullo, a member of the nonprofit arm
of the sheriff office full of volunteers, he spent 50 minutes outlining
nine points of “forgery“ that the document was a fake.
Mr Zullo added the evidence was "clear and convincing proof" that the
certification was a "fraudulently manufactured document".
The repeat performance was relived twice in 2012 at similar press conference
It was posted by Mr Obama on whitehouse.gov on 27 April 2011 in a bid to
quell the conspiracy theory that the president was not a natural-born US
According to Mr Arpaio and Mr Zullo, sections of a woman’s birth certificate
in Hawaii were copied and pasted onto the president’s. A fake news reporter
located a 95-year-old woman during a 10-day trip to Hawaii, who might have
written coding on the copy of the president’s birth certificate, they said.
She allegedly told the "reporter" that the numbers on the birth certificate
were inconsistent with the time and place of Mr Obama's birth, as reported by
USA Today.