douge (樹大便是美)
2017-02-09 03:47:321.媒體來源:
Incredibly high radiation levels discovered at crippled Fukushima plant
Newly-discovered radiation levels in one of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Plant’s reactors are stunningly high, the Japan Times and others
have reported. The space is so radioactive that even a robot couldn’t last
two hours, let alone a human.
It was on March 11, 2011, that the coastal power plant in Japan’s Fukushima
Prefecture was hit by a tidal wave, which not only cut off the plant’s
electrical power, also took out the generators that provided its backup power. The natural disaster triggered the meltdown of three reactors at the plant.
The new readings come from inside reactor two, where the radiation levels are
530 sieverts per hour, according to Tepco, the Tokyo Electric Power Company.
That’s highly radioactive— most radiation is measured in thousandths of a
sievert, a unit called a millisievert.
One dental X-ray is just .01 millisievert, according to the Guardian— which
also pointed out that 10 sieverts can lead to death.
每小時 530 希佛 10 希佛可以致死
大概是口腔x 光的 10^8次方倍
At the end of January, Tepco said that they had taken, from inside reaction
two, “intriguing images that may be fuel debris from the March 2011 accident
,” but needed to study them more. (They have provided more information of
their findings in this PDF.)
The company would like to deploy a robot, but the robot would be fried before
even two hours at those radiation levels, since it is designed to endure 1000
sieverts, according to the Japan Times.
The radiation levels are the highest yet measured at the devastated plant,
which could take as many as four decades to fully deal with.
就創新高的劑量 特別設計的機器人都運作不久
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
跟漏到地下水去 現在還越來越嚴重