※ 引述《MonkeyCL (可愛的小猴子)》之銘言:
: From next year military conscription in the Netherlands will also apply to
: women, if the Dutch government has its way. This is a purely symbolic measure
: for equal treatment as conscription was suspended in 1997,ANP reports.
: Since 1997 every boy gets a letter at age 17 to say that he has reached
: conscription age, though the letter does not oblige him to join the military.
: From next year girls will also get that letter.
: Up until now the Ministry of Defense excluded women from conscription as they
: were behind on the labor market. But according to Defense Minister Jeanine
: Hennis-Plasschaert, women and men now have about equal education and training
: levels and equal treatment outweighs balancing disadvantages.
: 簡單來說就是明年開始荷蘭女性也要接受徵兵,這是實現性別平權的措施。
: 荷蘭於1997年實行征兵制,所有年滿17歲的荷蘭男性都會收到征兵的通知書。
: 但是,荷蘭政府一直以女性在勞動市場處於弱勢為理由,把女性排除在征兵對象之外。
: 此次政策的變化更多的是為了體現男女平等的象徵性意義。
: (新聞連結:https://goo.gl/RpZAyQ)
以下引述WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_forces_of_the_Netherlands
The Netherlands' military is currently a fully professional military.
Conscription in the Netherlands was suspended in 1996 with the exception of
Aruba and Curaçao.