Re: [新聞]穆斯林強烈抗議Amazon沒設置祈禱室

作者: a3489658 (一入宅門深似海)   2017-04-23 14:36:58
※ 引述《fffffff4 (使用者在線上)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: Fox News
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: 穆斯林強烈抗議Amazon未設置祈禱室
: Outraged Muslims to Rally Against Amazon Over Alleged Lack of Prayer Rooms
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: Outraged Muslims are reportedly planning a May 1 demonstrationat the Amazon he
: adquarters in Seattle, Washington.
: 許多對Amazon不滿的穆斯林預計在五月一號集結西雅圖,向公司總部抗議。
: The company is under fire after several Muslim security guards demanded time a
: nd space to pray five times a day, while on the job.
: nd space to pray five times a day, while on the job.
: 公司受到批評,原因乃時旗下所雇用的的穆斯林警衛要求在每日上班時能夠撥空五次祈禱
: ,並設置專用禱告室。
: The guardscontend in a lawsuit filed this weekthat the subcontractor who emplo
: ys themdoes not appropriately accommodate their faithand retaliates against th
: ose who speak out.
: 上述警衛本週向法院提出告訴,指控雇主不尊重他們的信仰,甚至對提出建言的人採取報
: 復。
: The Service Employees International Union and the guards allege that Amazon gr
: antshigh-earning tech workers conference rooms to pray in, but they do not pro
: vide the same accommodation forcontracted security officersduring their law-ma
: ndated work breaks.
: 國際服務業工會以及警衛都指出,Amazon讓高層技術人員用會議室祈禱,但約聘的警衛卻
: 無此待遇,此舉儼然違法。
: Amazon and the security contractor have refuted the allegations.
: Amazon公司已嚴正澄清所有指控。
: Earlier this year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said the e-commerce giant is working
: with lawmakers and state officials to explore legal options tocounter Presiden
: with lawmakers and state officials to explore legal options tocounter Presiden
: t Trump's executive order on immigration.
: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos前幾個月才說公司正和議員、官員合作,以合法方式對抗川普總
: 統的反移民政策。
: 連結:
大一點的船上 穆斯林有專用的廚房
因為他們不吃豬肉 也不吃有血的料理
作者: fujioqq (土地公爺爺救我)   2017-04-23 14:40:00
穆斯林討人厭的地方就是毛一堆 又都不能妥協
作者: serrier (kizuki(狐狸))   2017-04-23 14:41:00
作者: scarbywind (有事燒紙)   2017-04-23 14:42:00
不能妥協現在才再哭 顆顆
作者: WeGoYuSheng ( ♂開啟另一扇薇閣的門♂)   2017-04-23 14:42:00
作者: hijkxyzuw (i,j,k) ×(x,y,z)   2017-04-23 14:43:00
Amazon 拗員工和台灣慣老有八成像
作者: knives   2017-04-23 14:44:00
作者: serrier (kizuki(狐狸))   2017-04-23 14:45:00
作者: Aliensoul (八卦駐版外星人)   2017-04-23 15:06:00
暴動能幹嘛 在船上阿拉花瓜炸死自己喔
作者: BanJarvan4 (不解釋)   2017-04-23 15:10:00
作者: goenitzx   2017-04-23 15:37:00
作者: gy3310   2017-04-23 15:46:00

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