JiaTai (Jiatai)
2017-05-18 17:11:22※ 引述《pitalvlu (pital)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 蘋果日報
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: 不想變鬼城 義大利小鎮付你6萬搬去住
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 2017/05/18 06:51
: 義大利北部的山中小鎮Bormida人口不斷流失,從20世紀初的1000人,至今已降至400人左
: 右,為了挽救人口流失問題,鎮長Daniele Galliano出了奇招,只要你願意搬到小鎮去住
: ,不但會付你2000歐元(新台幣67300元),每月還給錢讓你租房。
: 《今日美國》報導指出,這座小鎮有一條主幹道貫穿,鎮上有1間民宿、4家餐廳,郵局每
: 周只開3天。當地一位餐廳經理表示,在這裡沒什麼事可做,不過生活簡單,有森林、山
: 羊、教會和美食,過日子不會有壓力。
: 小鎮每月付50歐元(新台幣1682元)補貼租金,不過至今只有4個人搬過去,鎮長給出更
: 多利多,包括大房子可以補貼到130歐元(新台幣4374元),Daniele Galliano表示,我
: 們沒辦法依行情幾戶全額租金,不過補貼只是象徵,還會有更多附帶的優惠條件。(洪子
: 恩/綜合報導)
: http://i.imgur.com/GD6tww0.jpg
: 義大利小鎮Bormida坐落在群山之間。取自USA TODAY
: http://i.imgur.com/L76Ola4.jpg
: 鎮長Daniele Galliano。取自Vostro Giornale
: 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
: https://goo.gl/rSPWPg
: 5.備註:
The town's mayor has urged interested parties to please "stop calling."
This week, the mayor of a tiny hamlet in Liguria, Italy, announced a plan to
repopulate his shrinking village. In a now-deleted Facebook post, Mayor
Daniele Galliano suggested a €2,000 incentive (or $2,175) to attract
newcomers to Bormida, a medieval town with 13th-century frescoes and a single
According to Italian news site The Local, the response was staggering: Some
17,000 people contacted the town's council about the offer in only four days.
“It was only a suggestion,” Galliano clarified, adding that people should “
stop calling” about the offer. “Thank you anyway for your interest,” he
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t drop everything and move to this
beautiful European village in Italy’s remote northwest. There might not be
much to do in Bormida (there are only four restaurants), but for people
seeking a simple, natural lifestyle, this idyllic village could be a perfect
In a statement on the city of Bormida’s official website, Galliano also
suggested this might not be the last we hear about a €2,000 gift to move to
“The residence bonus,” Galliano wrote, “for the moment, is a project that
we hope to achieve in 2018.”
And the allocation of cheap housing, which will reportedly start at €50 per
month ($54), could happen as early as July 2017. To be the first to know
about any additional offers from Galliano and his charming town, consult the
website regularly this summer.
歐洲哪會這麼好心給你2000 EUR
超市店員薪水大概落在1200 EUR
辦公室小職員大概在1500 EUR
給2000 EUR這種東西我這輩子都沒聽過