※ 引述《ComeTureLou (千層酥的千晨)》之銘言:
: 其實這兩個國家形狀真的滿像的
: 可是差別就是我不懂
: 美國州跟州甚至還有一些法律不一樣
: 人家也不會吵獨立 也不會怕有哪一州要獨立
: 民主國家都能做到這樣了
: 那中國為什麼會怕呢?
: 人家美帝都可以做到不會吵獨立了
: 難道天朝有做不到的事情?
Texas v. White
In accepting original jurisdiction, the court ruled that, legally speaking,
Texas had remained a United States state ever since it first joined the
Union, despite its joining the Confederate States of America and its being
under military rule at the time of the decision in the case. In deciding the
merits of the bond issue, the court further held that the Constitution did
not permit states to unilaterally secede from the United States, and that the
ordinances of secession, and all the acts of the legislatures within seceding
states intended to give effect to such ordinances, were "absolutely null".