→ cyranoh: 英國的愛滋患者有多少比例是甲甲?07/26 15:03
Of the 88,769 people accessing HIV treatment in the UK in 2015, 41,945 were
men and women who had acquired HIV through heterosexual sex and 41,016 were
men who had acquired HIV through homosexual sex.
目前是異性戀略多於同性戀 但是甲甲不要高興太早
The number of men who have sex with men newly diagnosed with HIV continues to
rise, from 2,860 in 2010, to 3,320 in 2015
In 2015, there were 2,360 new HIV diagnoses as a result of heterosexual sex
– 1,350 among heterosexual women and 1,010 among heterosexual men.12 This is
about half the diagnoses made ten years ago when this figure stood at 4,340.
但是這幾年已經黃金交叉 同性戀病例數超過異性戀是遲早的事
而且單看2015年病例數 異性戀女性比異性戀男性多是符合理論的