[問卦] 等等就要考英文了,有推薦的實用句型ㄇ

作者: attyu (楊梅李奧納多)   2018-01-27 08:11:49

作者: linda17a3 (510)   2017-01-27 08:11:00
作者: cena0605 (姜西拿)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
作者: aa1052026 (專罵藍綠垃圾黨)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
作者: GenesisXD (XDDDDD)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
May show gun more
作者: Akris1113 (Akris)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
作者: keikei5566 (愷愷)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
This is a book
作者: WeiMinChen (無)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
加油 等等國文還有桌遊題呢
作者: xxaabby0224 (GGININDER)   2018-01-27 08:12:00
作者: badbadook ( 嗨浪)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
how much?
作者: b2305911 (HowardX)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
Do you know da wae?
作者: s7598261 (阿維)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
作者: borissun (小毛)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
In my opinion,...
作者: qk3380888 (小官)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
I have a dog
作者: nightwing (內觀自心)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
You jump, I jump.
作者: everettofu (液化豆腐)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
作者: porten812 (節能.減碳.發優文)   2018-01-27 08:13:00
Taiwanese girls are easy.
作者: c2578910 (台中陳奕迅)   2018-01-27 08:14:00
First Second. To sum up
作者: badbadook ( 嗨浪)   2018-01-27 08:14:00
coffee tea or me
作者: Dinenger (低能兒)   2018-01-27 08:14:00
This is a book.
作者: amo0717 (Amo)   2018-01-27 08:14:00
last but not least
作者: Hyver (寒江飛雪)   2018-01-27 08:14:00
nice to meet you
作者: ramirez   2018-01-27 08:14:00
mountain people mountain sea
作者: dlam002 (常逛飄版的阿飄)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
作者: diefish5566 (LOL板李奧納多皮卡丘)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
I have an apple I have a pen
作者: s09371703 (重考在宏達)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
I want to pegging you
作者: samuel880831 (善)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
作者: kevinlai (Good job!!London)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
whose not kill me makes me strong
作者: sonja66325 (考生沒人權 Q_Q)   2018-01-27 08:15:00
i love tt1069
作者: a81255316 (廢物朱立倫)   2018-01-27 08:16:00
Fuck me please
作者: Stunish (Adilraid)   2018-01-27 08:16:00
How do you turn this on
作者: justinbear (justinbear)   2018-01-27 08:16:00
Suck my fat cunt
作者: lai162 (「Unlimited-R」)   2018-01-27 08:16:00
作者: leo5614 (天邊)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
A:Can you speak Chinese? B:Sure!(開始用中文回答)
作者: acomi002 (考運哥)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
Nefliex and Chill
作者: bloodsweat (血汗G層)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
people mountain people sea
作者: ponystail (女子木奉木奉)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
May I fuck you?
作者: t00012 (第六天蛇王)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
suck my dick
作者: GooglePlus (G+)   2018-01-27 08:17:00
may sure gun more
作者: Bonkon (尖叫雞)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
Surprise Motherfucker!!!!
作者: badbadook ( 嗨浪)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
fuck don't ask
作者: saskuran (beyourguard)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
作者: LiberalDog (我愛你,但那與你無關。)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
Dead is like the wind
作者: BambooGrove (竹里館)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
This is an apple
作者: scum5566 (你好宅)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
I wanna cum in my teacher's mouth
作者: arch20161219 (hahaha)   2018-01-27 08:18:00
不要啊 祝你考差 嘻嘻
作者: hamobi99 (hamobi)   2018-01-27 08:19:00
作者: one60314 (大麻公車666號)   2018-01-27 08:19:00
作者: wate5566 (_(:3」∠)_)   2018-01-27 08:19:00
moo tum Ooo
作者: sdsoknife (寒極之刃出,櫻雪紛紛落)   2018-01-27 08:19:00
death is like a wind ~~always by my side
作者: pipi8696044 (methane)   2018-01-27 08:19:00
How do you turn this on?
作者: zzzzz14z14z (最靠北的儒儒)   2018-01-27 08:20:00
niggar 寫了得100分
作者: henry3744 (henry)   2018-01-27 08:20:00
F u c k
作者: zxzxcv (.....)   2018-01-27 08:20:00
台女 IS EZ
作者: zzzzz14z14z (最靠北的儒儒)   2018-01-27 08:21:00
或Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day
作者: tim1112 (絕代當世劍巔)   2018-01-27 08:21:00
This is a book 萬用句,瞬間顯示你的水平。
作者: PttXiangMing (批踢踢鄉民)   2018-01-27 08:21:00
作者: lucky1lk (賭到沒錢的人)   2018-01-27 08:22:00
i have an apple. i have a pen!
作者: jiangchaoyou (人生如寄絕情書)   2018-01-27 08:22:00
baby baby baby oh
作者: arch20161219 (hahaha)   2018-01-27 08:22:00
廢文還不自刪 已檢舉 謀求各人利益 掰
作者: lai162 (「Unlimited-R」)   2018-01-27 08:22:00
Take off your pants cowboy alright, Let's fuck
作者: Pcinereus (澳大利亞無尾熊)   2018-01-27 08:23:00
But can you do this ??????
作者: jetk4555 (cactus)   2018-01-27 08:24:00
作者: BlowjobFace (口交臉/0\)   2018-01-27 08:25:00
may shoe gun more
作者: sq0066 (哈囉)   2018-01-27 08:25:00
作者: iPad8 (哭哭喔)   2018-01-27 08:26:00
do I know de way
作者: zephirus (西風)   2018-01-27 08:27:00
Say my name.
作者: s7598261 (阿維)   2018-01-27 08:27:00
作者: EllaElla (EllaElla)   2018-01-27 08:27:00
作者: maesww (maesww)   2018-01-27 08:27:00
in in der
作者: s7598261 (阿維)   2018-01-27 08:28:00
Da Sa B
作者: Kakehiko (用localizer晾衣服)   2018-01-27 08:28:00
I did not hit her.It's not true.It's bullshit.
作者: thanksmr (dsajoid)   2018-01-27 08:28:00
I have a dream
作者: Kidd03 (Kidd03)   2018-01-27 08:28:00
Can we fuck right now
作者: Kakehiko (用localizer晾衣服)   2018-01-27 08:29:00
I did not hit her.I did nooooooooot.Oh hi!Mark.
作者: MIB2   2018-01-27 08:29:00
this is a book
作者: belucky   2018-01-27 08:29:00
ikea costco
作者: Jin63916 (摳幫瓦)   2018-01-27 08:30:00
O' Brave New World!
作者: elellie (EllieC)   2018-01-27 08:31:00
the last but not least
作者: Castle88654 (Writer)   2018-01-27 08:31:00
Even a storm that can ruin an umbrellais not enough to halt a man's journey
作者: maesww (maesww)   2018-01-27 08:32:00
Me shou gun mo ?
作者: st9760916 (st9760916)   2018-01-27 08:32:00
May show gun mo
作者: opengaydoor (開甲門)   2018-01-27 08:34:00
may show gun more
作者: a0986188522 (a0986188522)   2018-01-27 08:34:00
we chose to go to the moon
作者: ksco (kscoo)   2018-01-27 08:34:00
作者: feng760804 (胖胖胖胖胖胖虎)   2018-01-27 08:34:00
how do you do turn this on
作者: kiske011 (風一樣的男子)   2018-01-27 08:35:00
this is abook
作者: yolasiku (我的綠卡能吃嗎)   2018-01-27 08:35:00
作者: tntbear (苦命上班族)   2018-01-27 08:35:00
how do you turn this on
作者: leo1990910 (魯刺客 Leo l'assassino)   2018-01-27 08:36:00
somebody touch my spaghetti
作者: westnofathou (西部肥宅)   2018-01-27 08:36:00
how big are you?
作者: Yao910336 (興農總冠軍)   2018-01-27 08:37:00
How are you
作者: LinkPRO (人蔘某郎災)   2018-01-27 08:37:00
spit on him
作者: danielww (dfs)   2018-01-27 08:37:00
Show your gun and push in
作者: fujin09 (花4)   2018-01-27 08:38:00
作者: aadsl (aaids)   2018-01-27 08:38:00
how do you turn this on
作者: sakuboy   2018-01-27 08:38:00
you can not pass
作者: scrumhalf (scrumhalf)   2018-01-27 08:38:00
Is it good to drink?
作者: lhtltyh (lhtltyh)   2018-01-27 08:40:00
over my dead body
作者: liaungboy (良BOY)   2018-01-27 08:42:00
Who let the dogs out
作者: sktwilllose (小猴子)   2018-01-27 08:43:00
my dream is to be a student of大葉
作者: a8866442 (我的靴子裡有魯蛇)   2018-01-27 08:43:00
may show gun more
作者: lai162 (「Unlimited-R」)   2018-01-27 08:44:00
winner, winner, chicken dinner
作者: LonyIce (小龍)   2018-01-27 08:45:00
Top or bottom?fun?
作者: weslee (阿喵)   2018-01-27 08:45:00
like fucking silly bitches and I know my penis likes it.
作者: ALAN8180 (WANG25)   2018-01-27 08:46:00
do u want ur boat?
作者: silvergod   2018-01-27 08:48:00
is good to drink?
作者: kronioel (鵝妹子英)   2018-01-27 08:48:00
show me your clitorus. wench!
作者: vul31l3m4m3 (焦糖小寶)   2018-01-27 08:48:00
作者: l23456789O (優良鹼民)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
作者: rasheedchiu (企鵝)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
up up down down left right left right B A start
作者: chenyoung411 (陳楊)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
I like to masterbate
作者: danieloo (uyt)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
Put your hot dog suck in her mouth
作者: secret0409 (翹腳)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
Do you know de way?
作者: spitonface (凌晨三點吃蟹堡)   2018-01-27 08:49:00
作者: sherlockxx (Holmes)   2018-01-27 08:51:00
作者: B05504021 (VI)   2018-01-27 08:51:00
May the force you will be with
作者: v800982004 (ムーンライトは俺の嫁)   2018-01-27 08:51:00
this is a pen
作者: CyrilHuang (來一客)   2018-01-27 08:51:00
say my name
作者: albert1229 (良牙光)   2018-01-27 08:52:00
How do you turn this on
作者: k167943005 (一直睡一直睡)   2018-01-27 08:54:00
How do you turn this on
作者: ttt40514   2018-01-27 08:54:00
How do you turn this on
作者: mango970422   2018-01-27 08:55:00
i'm a simple man
作者: Brooke (Brooke-Elliott)   2018-01-27 08:55:00
Are you kappa?
作者: spirit119 (精神分裂)   2018-01-27 08:55:00
How do you turn this on
作者: ymes9112 (小唐)   2018-01-27 08:56:00
What are you fucking doing
作者: ke0218n (凱爾)   2018-01-27 08:56:00
see u next year
作者: lai162 (「Unlimited-R」)   2018-01-27 08:56:00
Shut Up And Take My Money!
作者: akumo ( )   2018-01-27 08:58:00
作者: x94fujo6   2018-01-27 08:58:00
作者: taimali (無)   2018-01-27 08:58:00
may show gun more?
作者: likeken   2018-01-27 08:59:00
Dew u no de wey?
作者: heart000 (為你啟程)   2018-01-27 09:00:00
Please give me wood
作者: twinsen (藍色復興號)   2018-01-27 09:00:00
I am coming.
作者: tkufc (阿東)   2018-01-27 09:00:00
作者: bobyhsu (專業收費代洗文章)   2018-01-27 09:01:00
may show gun more
作者: eec2132469y   2018-01-27 09:01:00
hey apple apple hey hey apple
作者: nimaw (草泥馬君臨天下)   2018-01-27 09:02:00
The instructions weren't clear enough Ioty dick cau
作者: genesiss (無法忘記的回憶)   2018-01-27 09:02:00
作者: corhe (corhe)   2018-01-27 09:03:00
over my dad's body
作者: g204094 (吉尼)   2018-01-27 09:06:00
當然是史上最強not only but also
作者: guitar0225 (ibee(艾比))   2018-01-27 09:06:00
Mumimumi is good
作者: stussy (三重福山雅治)   2018-01-27 09:06:00
Suck my penis
作者: kevin11tw (台中阿翔)   2018-01-27 09:07:00
i am tom
作者: darrendonkey (消防驢)   2018-01-27 09:09:00
you are so EZ
作者: versatriton (金魚)   2018-01-27 09:10:00
My bird is big and yummy
作者: f9968106 (廢宅)   2018-01-27 09:11:00
This is a pen. That is a pencil.
作者: e920542 (油到滑下山坡)   2018-01-27 09:12:00
How do you turn this on
作者: stussy (三重福山雅治)   2018-01-27 09:12:00
Licking my asshole
作者: ohiu (Three cups of tea)   2018-01-27 09:14:00
i am free tonight
作者: flyover01 (想得不可得 情愛裡無智者)   2018-01-27 09:14:00
Hasta la vista, baby
作者: makeamyth (makeamyth)   2018-01-27 09:16:00
my name is Wu,Jing Chen
作者: YALEMY   2018-01-27 09:17:00
My name is John
作者: Temari0814 (ことり)   2018-01-27 09:18:00
Give me some money
作者: SpringOcean (魯蛇)   2018-01-27 09:19:00
想被原po幹屁眼 幹射我
作者: Akris1113 (Akris)   2018-01-27 09:19:00
Go to tell your boss by yourself
作者: chinick1478 (nick4903)   2018-01-27 09:19:00
作者: linch416 (晃.....)   2018-01-27 09:20:00
Is good drink
作者: maesww (maesww)   2018-01-27 09:21:00
Take off her clothes and hold your hot dog
作者: james0318tw (只想愛愛)   2018-01-27 09:21:00
Fuck you bitch
作者: hong8593 (Wayne cell)   2018-01-27 09:22:00
Very nice
作者: sushi11 (歹怨郎摳噢)   2018-01-27 09:22:00
How do you turn this on
作者: cymj (chien yun )   2018-01-27 09:22:00
may show gun mo
作者: Xreay (MC)   2018-01-27 09:22:00
作者: ex990000 (Seymour)   2018-01-27 09:23:00
You don't know the power of the dark side!
作者: TNLang (洛聖都最速傳說)   2018-01-27 09:23:00
作者: reppoc (稍會)   2018-01-27 09:25:00
show me the money
作者: paxetin (SiuJ凱)   2018-01-27 09:25:00
do u know da wea
作者: sushi11 (歹怨郎摳噢)   2018-01-27 09:25:00
Hello java
作者: iWatch5566 (唉手錶56)   2018-01-27 09:25:00
This is a pen
作者: littlemonste (小怪獸)   2018-01-27 09:26:00
To begin with, furthermore,all in all
作者: ohrring (reifpanne)   2018-01-27 09:26:00
thia ia ikeaa for apple b for bastard
作者: legendd (legend)   2018-01-27 09:27:00
I have a pen
作者: mynewid (before sunshit)   2018-01-27 09:28:00
Winners take all, you get nothing.
作者: yaes111 (咩修桿謀)   2018-01-27 09:28:00
作者: ohrring (reifpanne)   2018-01-27 09:28:00
oh hey mark
作者: EllaElla (EllaElla)   2018-01-27 09:28:00
作者: chiang50419 (Q毛)   2018-01-27 09:32:00
A pen And a man
作者: qwerasd158 (死皮)   2018-01-27 09:33:00
lm your father
作者: Okonkwo (峰迴路轉)   2018-01-27 09:34:00
Consequently hence therefor this as a restuleTherefore thus as a result. 供你參考
作者: knight77 (オニオンナイト)   2018-01-27 09:34:00
Winner,Winner,Chicken Dinner
作者: tauobaek (桃白)   2018-01-27 09:35:00
two plus two is four
作者: kevin0733   2018-01-27 09:36:00
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women
作者: dnjh960102 (turbo titor)   2018-01-27 09:36:00
作者: wadeabc (潛水夫)   2018-01-27 09:36:00
guang wa pi sh
作者: johnson14 (Xin Xu)   2018-01-27 09:36:00
its son of bitch
作者: craymond (認知失調ing)   2018-01-27 09:40:00
作者: tenching (TenChing)   2018-01-27 09:40:00
作者: HHHHXT   2018-01-27 09:40:00
the floor is wax
作者: Jooker (Jooker)   2018-01-27 09:41:00
作者: casco5566 (卡斯摳)   2018-01-27 09:41:00
You are a son of beachhhhhhhh
作者: swgun (楊 威利)   2018-01-27 09:42:00
give me fuck please
作者: ortan2030 (2030)   2018-01-27 09:42:00
My father is xxx
作者: Acrosstheuni (Gotta )   2018-01-27 09:43:00
作者: suspect (光陰虛度)   2018-01-27 09:44:00
land on the feet.
作者: jeff257 (lifeishard)   2018-01-27 09:44:00
Yeah bitch
作者: Momoko33 (Momoko33)   2018-01-27 09:45:00
The floor is full of wax.
作者: jeff257 (lifeishard)   2018-01-27 09:45:00
Say my name
作者: bboypo (工口王)   2018-01-27 09:45:00
pussy money weed
作者: darkangel119 (星星的眷族)   2018-01-27 09:52:00

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