※ 引述《bluegold (丸少)》之銘言:
: 推 AN94: fact check更新了喔 12/04 11:30
: → AN94: https://bit.ly/3lFtSPS 12/04 11:30
11/03 晚上的新聞:
Fulton County has stopped counting absentee ballots for the remainder of Nov.
Fulton County officials say employees have tabulated all in-person votes and
ceased counting absentee ballots for the night. Employees have been sent home
and will finish counting in the morning, Nov. 4.
According to Fulton County, the absentee ballot count was delayed at least
four hours due to a water leak early morning Nov. 3.
然後現在說 其實沒有把觀票員都送回家
還是現在 11/03 的漏水不能計票 都是假消息了?