※ 引述《mongi (大體老屍)》之銘言:
: 台灣的國產疫苗現在二期臨床試驗
: 應該就快解盲了
: 但我一直納悶 萬一解盲失敗
: 國外疫苗又沒有到位怎麼辦
: 台灣緊急授權還能強行通過嗎
: 好如果順利成功
: 但台灣市場就兩千萬人口
: 第三期臨床試驗受試者超過萬元
: 補貼也要幾萬美金
: 以台灣的市場根本沒有經濟效益
: 那既然沒有可能做第三期
: 台灣打的那麼開心國外憑什麼承認台灣疫苗
: 且全球的疫苗加工廠只會越來越多
: 供過於求 價格下降
: 那台灣疫苗的優勢還在哪
: 所以合理懷疑講炒股有什麼錯
是看這個試驗有沒有達到一開始設定的"Primary Outcome Measures"
這個primary outcome有達成再來看看是否有"Secondary Outcome"
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04695652
Primary Outcome Measures :
Incidence of Adverse Event within 28 days post the second study intervention
(Safety of MVC-COV1901) [ Time Frame: Day 1 to 28 days after second
vaccination ]
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of MVC-COV1901 from Visit 2 (Day 1)
to Visit 7 (28 days after the second dose of study intervention) in terms of
the number and percentage of participants with the occurrence of:
Solicited local AEs (up to 7 days after each dose of study intervention)
Solicited systemic AEs (up to 7 days after each dose of study intervention)
Unsolicited AEs (up to 28 days after each dose of study intervention)
AE of Special Interest (AESI)
Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease(VAED)
Serious adverse events (SAEs)
Immunogenicity of MVC-COV1901 [ Time Frame: Day 1 to 28 days after second
vaccination ]
To evaluate the immunogenicity of MVC-COV1901, as compared to placebo, in
terms of neutralizing antibody titers
Secondary Outcome Measures :
Incidence of Adverse Event throughout study conduct (Safety of MVC-COV1901) [
Time Frame: Day 1 to 180 days after second vaccination ]
To evaluate the safety of MVC-COV1901 over the study period in terms of the
number and percentage of participants with the occurrence of:
>= Grade 3 AE
AE of Special Interest (AESI)
Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease(VAED)
Serious adverse events (SAEs)
lot to lot consistency [ Time Frame: Day 1 to 28 days after second
vaccination ]
To evaluate the lot-to-lot consistency of MVC-COV1901 in participants of
20 to 65 years age group
可是要證明群體保護效力可以到多少 %