LBJshit (LBJshit)
2021-06-15 08:49:45第一:當初是誰推掉3億劑的Az代工的?
第三: 如果你自稱外交專業,就會知道有些事情能講,有些事情不能講。說出這種事情,只代表這個人是外交白痴而已。
※ 引述《decolonize (decolonize)》之銘言:
: 看到這系列新聞,我第一反應是覺得蔡政府又在豪洨+牽拖
: 抱著懷疑的態度去搜尋英文泰國新聞,結果還真的讓我找到這個
: 底下有機翻,這看起來是泰國當地的媒體
: https://www.thaienquirer.com/28401/thailand-delays-astrazeneca-exports-to-othe
: r-countries-as-local-inoculation-drive-begins/
: https://shorturl.at/dpquA
: By
: Cod Satrusayang
: June 10, 2021
: Thailand is delaying locally-produced AstraZeneca vaccines to neighboring
: countries while it focuses on inoculating its own citizens, a source told
: Thai Enquirer on Thursday.
: There have been problems scaling up production at Siam Bioscience, AZ’s
: local partner and its sole regional producer, as has previously been reported
: in Thai Enquirer. (Read more here)
: Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Philippines have been informed by the Thai side
: that orders for the AZ vaccine have been delayed by at least a month,
: according to a report by Reuters.
: The delay has been confirmed by multiple government officials across the
: region. A source inside Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health told Thai
: Enquirer that part of the reason for the delay is because the Thai government
: has decided to focus first on inoculating its own citizens.
: “I think the government has been criticized from all sides due to its
: decision to heavily rely on SBS vaccines and it is especially sensitive right
: now,” the source told Thai Enquirer by phone.
: “So they are halting or delaying exports of the vaccine to focus on the
: inoculation drive to gain back some credit.”
: Thailand’s mass inoculation plans began this week on Monday and as of
: Thursday morning has seen over 3 million people administered with the first
: dose of the vaccine.
: “I don’t know if this is going to create conflict with AstraZeneca but I do
: know this is a positive decision for the Thai people,” the source added. “
: The government is putting its people first even if it is to save face.”
: Calls to AstraZeneca Thailand were not returned.
: 六月10日,2021
: 一位消息人士周四告訴泰國詢問報,泰國正在推遲向鄰國提供本地生產的阿斯利康疫苗,
: 同時專注於為本國公民接種疫苗。
: 正如泰國詢問者先前報導的那樣,在擴大生產規模方面,AZ 的當地合作夥伴及其唯一的
: 區域生產商 Siam Bioscience 出現了問題。 (在這裡閱讀更多)
: 據路透社報導,泰國方面已通知馬來西亞、台灣和菲律賓,AZ疫苗的訂單至少推遲了一個
: 月。
: 該地區的多位政府官員證實了這一延誤。泰國公共衛生部的一位消息人士告訴《泰國詢問
: 報》,延遲的部分原因是泰國政府決定首先專注於為本國公民接種疫苗。
: “我認為政府因其決定嚴重依賴 SBS 疫苗而受到了各方的批評,現在特別敏感,”消息
: 人士通過電話告訴泰國詢問者。
: “因此,他們正在停止或推遲疫苗的出口,以專注於疫苗接種工作,以贏回一些信用。”
: 泰國的大規模接種計劃於本週一開始,截至週四上午,已有超過 300 萬人接種了第一劑
: 疫苗。
: “我不知道這是否會與阿斯利康產生衝突,但我知道這對泰國人民來說是一個積極的決定
: ,”消息人士補充道。 “即使是為了挽回面子,政府也將人民放在首位。”
: 打給泰國阿斯利康的電話沒有得到回复。