[討論] Microsoft 也去法庭要求美國政府批准透露

作者: noonee (我和烤肉間只差一撮孜然)   2013-06-28 01:53:36
Microsoft 也去法庭要求美國政府批准透露更多國安局的「要求」數據
由 Marco So 於 1 hour 之前發表
文章分類: 網際網路
華爾街日報指出 Microsoft 也跟 Google 一樣,企圖就可以透露多少國土安全局的數據
而挑戰美國政府。早前他們已經對外公佈了政府在過去 6 個月裡,曾向他們提出了
6,000 至 7,000 次有關罪案及國土安全的資訊提交要求,涉及的用戶有 31,000 至
32,000 個;但這些數據都只是在政府容許的範圍下公佈,並非事實的全部。所以,他們
和 Yahoo 等美國巨頭都已經提出了同樣的要求,就看美國政府怎樣回應吧。
Microsoft Also Challenges Government Surveillance Gag Order
Microsoft asked a secret U.S. surveillance court for permission to disclose
more information about government requests it receives for customer account
Microsoft cited the First Amendment in its legal filing to the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, and challenged what the company says are
U.S. government restrictions on how much it can reveal publicly about secret
orders to turn over user information in U.S. surveillance efforts.
Microsoft made its filing with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court a
week ago. The secret court released the legal filing on Wednesday.
Google also made a similar legal motion disclosed last week.
Big U.S. technology companies, including Microsoft, Google and Facebook, have
been caught in a swirl of controversy following revelations of how the
National Security Agency receives data from the companies in order to keep
tabs on foreigners of interest to U.S. intelligence services.
The companies have pushed back against some of the earliest news reports —
based on leaked documents from former government contractor Edward Snowden —
that suggested the companies cooperate with automated and widespread
siphoning of account information.
Microsoft in its court challenge Wednesday said its efforts to fight those
perceptions have been hamstrung because federal authorities have imposed
limits on how much the company can say about the number and nature of
surveillance requests it receives under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Microsoft and Google blamed those limitations for the recent disclosure of an
odd batch of information that shed little light on how often intelligence
agencies demand account data under a secret court order.
Microsoft and Google previously have said they should be allowed to disclose
in aggregate how many FISA orders they receive each year, and how many of its
accounts are covered by those secret orders, for information such as the text
of a user's email messages and photos stored online.
「Given the size of Microsoft's user base, the Government can not reasonably
contend that disclosure of the Aggregate Data could lead any particular
individual user to infer that he or she had been targeted,」 Microsoft wrote
in its court challenge Wednesday.
Microsoft said its inability to disclose the aggregate number of requests is
a violation of free speech protections in the U.S. Constitution.
Note: This post has been updated with additional information from Microsoft's
court filing, and background on the U.S. Internet companies' dealings with
surveillance agencies. The date of Microsoft's court filing also has been
corrected; an earlier version of this post incorrectly said Microsoft's legal
challenge was made Wednesday.
看看美國國安局如何對美國憲法交代 柯柯
作者: caelum (楊威利)   2013-06-28 02:11:00
美國安局:林北就是憲法 吱~~
作者: zainc (念湘)   2013-06-28 02:32:00
國家利益至上 結案~
作者: newstyle (人生不要有遺憾)   2013-07-01 22:17:00

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