puec2 ( .__________.)
2014-04-02 17:00:24http://tinyurl.com/m2gfurc
March 25, 2014
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to share with you some updates on the situation in
Taiwan, my home country. Taiwan is currently at a critical
juncture of democratic development, which requires greater
international attention.
On March 18, hundreds of students from various universities in
Taiwan entered the chamber of the Legislative Yuan, the Parliament
of Taiwan, in protest of the government’s disregard of the
public demand that democratic procedures of legislative scrutiny
and approval must be followed over a trade agreement it recently
signed with China. A couple hundred students have continued to
occupy the chamber for days, while thousands more students have
persistently gathered outside, around the legislature. On March
23, some agitated students, frustrated by the government’s
refusal to dialogue, entered the cabinet offices, but later in the
evening were removed by riot police demonstrating a degree of
state violence not seen in Taiwan since Martial Law. In the
meantime, dozens of university professors have echoed their
support for the students by bringing their classes over to the
rally site for outdoor lectures on democracy, civil rights, and
China relations. Polls illustrate that the majority of the
Taiwanese public are sympathetic to the actions of the students,
and a tremendous amount of public support has been demonstrated.
While economic stagnation, the growing wealth disparity, falling
wages and skyrocketing housing costs in Taiwan have been fueling
social tension and discontent in the country, the catalyst for the
student action was the KMT party’s attempt to force the trade
agreement through the legislative committee without any review.
The trade agreement, which opens the service sector in Taiwan to
Chinese investment and allows Chinese nationals to live and work
in Taiwan, has been extremely controversial. There were no prior
consultations with the various affected industry sectors before
the agreement was signed. The parliament was neither briefed nor
informed in advance, and the government even attempted to
implement the agreement without parliamentary ratification. It was
only after protests by the legislature that enabled an
inter-party deal that promised to hold public hearings, followed
by review and vote clause-by-clause, item-by-item, in the
Aside from the lack of transparency and the government’s
disregard for democratic procedures, critics are worried that the
agreement would open the door to greater Chinese economic and
social influence in Taiwan. Furthermore, experts have pointed out
that a number of the clauses in the agreement are not fully equal
and fair. For example, for the e-commerce sector, Taiwan opens up
the entire market to China, while the Chinese side has designated
only the province of Fukien as a permitted base of operation for
Taiwanese companies. On March 17, in violation of the previous
inter-party deal for detailed scrutiny of the agreement in the
legislative committee, the KMT co-chair of the committee made a
thirty-second announcement that the trade agreement was passed
already. This blatant disregard of democratic procedures over an
agreement which would have a significant impact on Taiwan’s
society and future relations with China, has infuriated not only
students and relevant industry sectors, but the greater public in
Since the student occupation, President Ma has refused to dialogue
and respond to the questions and concerns they have raised.
Students are distressed that Ma and his government are apparently
more eager to dialogue with China, a country which threatens
Taiwan’s democratic existence with missiles and military force,
yet unwilling to come face to face with the peaceful and patriotic
students. The use of excessive violence by riot police on the
unarmed, peaceful demonstrators at the Executive Yuan (cabinet
offices), has also further enflamed the upset students.
We believe the future of Taiwan’s democracy is at stake, with an
arrogant government refusing to dialogue with its society, instead
willing to use force and lies to suppress the peaceful
aspirations of the people. The future of Taiwan’s survival is
also at stake, with a president eager to do whatever it takes to
bring Taiwan closer to China.
Taiwan’s prosperity was built on the hard work of the Taiwanese
people. The diligent and peace-loving people of Taiwan are willing
to engage with China socially and economically, but only on
dignified and fair terms. Any agreement with China that would have
significant social, economic, and national security costs on the
Taiwanese people, must be scrutinized and reviewed with much
detail, not forcefully implemented.
Taiwan’s democracy was hard-won, by many courageous people who
were willing to sacrifice their lives and freedom to break the confines
of Martial Law and one-party dictatorship decades ago. We do not
want to see a backward slide in Taiwan’s free and democratic way
of living, and we appeal to you to support us in safeguarding
Taiwan’s democracy.
I urge friends of the international community to extend your
support to the students and express concern for the status Taiwan's
democracy and survival.
Thank you for your attention.
A concerned citizen of Taiwan