dj720c (dj720c)
2014-11-27 18:56:37Gutmann 如果明天再去國會作證改口說 「柯醫師沒有去中國搞這些器官」
跟你保證絕對不會有偽證的問題!!! 信不信啊?!
※ 引述《dick5566 (熊與熊雨下蝕緻銦哯)》之銘言:
: http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=6733392&Language=E&Mode=1
: 加拿大國會人權委員會紀錄
: There are many points of evidence for this. As Damon said, Kilgour and
: Matas list 52 of them. I’ll present just one: Dr. Ko Wen-je, chairman of the
: Ko Wen-je醫生 創傷部門的主席 國立台灣大學醫院
: Traumatology Department, National Taiwan University Hospital. Ten years ago
: Dr. Ko went to a mainland hospital to negotiate reduced kidney and liver
: 十年前Ko醫生為了自己部門的高齡病患跑去大陸醫院協調降低腎跟肝的價錢
: prices for his department’s elderly patients. After a friendly banquet, Dr.
: Ko was given the Chinese price, which was about half of what a foreigner
: 在一個友善的宴會之後 Ko醫生拿到了中國的價格 大約是外國人的半價
: pays. In response to Dr. Ko’s concerns about unhealthy criminal organs, the
: Chinese surgeons assured Dr. Ko all the organs would come from Falun Gong:
: 在關於器官健康的方面Ko醫生得到中國的保證所有器官都是法輪功方面來的
: these people don’t drink; they don't smoke; they practise very healthy
: qigong. We appreciate your discretion.
: 這些人不喝酒 不抽煙 他們練習氣功
: Dr. Ko is now the leading candidate to be mayor of Taipei, largely due
: Ko醫生現在是台北市長領先的候選人.... blah blah blah
: to the perception that he is a man of integrity. I’ll go further. Dr. Ko’s
: testimony has done more for this investigation than all the world’s health
: organizations put together.