Bloomberg Business
A Hard Landing in China Could 'Shake the World'
11.20.2015 Malcolm Scott
Greater China Economy Editor for Bloomberg News 彭博社大中華區編輯
China's economic boom of the past 30 years means it now accounts for 11 percent
of world GDP and around 10 percent of world trade. For resources, it's an even
bigger player, accounting for 11 percent of world oil demand and 40 to 70
percent of demand for other key commodities, according to the Oxford Economics
research. Its financial system is massive, with its broad money supply now
larger than the U.S.'s and amounting to over 20 percent of the world's.
中國的經濟蓬勃成長了三十年,成為現在佔全世界GDP 11% 還有10%的全球貿易額。
So were China to sneeze, the world may well catch a cold.
First to trade. The volume of goods imported into China have already fallen
by around 4 percent in the first three quarters of the year, after rising an
average 11 percent per year from 2004-14. That means China has cut around 0.4
percentage point from world goods trade growth in the nine months to the end
of September, after having added an average 1 percentage point a year in the
previous decade.
The biggest losers are those with the closest trade links and those whose
economies are most open.
No.1 中國
No.2 台灣
No.3 韓國
2015 年 1 月到 10 月,中國進口台灣的商品同比下跌 6.5%,至總額 1,158.9 億美金。
Oxford Economics原文:
Overall, the evidence still suggests that the most severe impacts of a
further Chinese economic slowdown would be on China’s main regional
trade partners and on commodity exporting countries.
KMT整天補貼補貼補貼 開放開放開放
補個洨啦 開你媽啦