Re: [新聞] 黑人饒舌歌種族歧視華裔 白宮回應:言論

作者: yuriaki (百合秋)   2016-12-07 10:20:01
YG – Meet the Flockers Lyrics
[Verse 1: YG]
First, you find a house and scope it out
Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don't believe in bank accounts
Second, you find a crew and a driver, someone who ring the doorbell
And someone that ain't scared to do what it do
Third, you pull up at the spot
Park, watch, ring the doorbell and knock
Four, make sure nobody is home (knock knock)
They gone, okay it's on
Don't be scared nigga you in now
If the police come you gonna find out who your friends now
That ain't them talking, that's your mind playing tricks on you
You're conscious cause you know you got nines with two clips on you
But fuck that, motherfuck that plasma
And fuck that laptop, go and get that jewelry box
You tryna get paid? Go take that jewelry box to the Slauson
They'll give you cash back in the same day
[Hook: YG]
Meet the motherfucking flockers
Make some noise if you've ever stole something in your life
Don't be ashamed, it's okay, baby
Make some noise if you've ever stole a dollar out your mama's purse
When she wasn't lookin while y'all was in Church
[Verse 2: Tee Cee]
Niggas don't know the history 'bout the flock
Put the flathead in the door
Pull it, make it go flock
Hit the first drawer, grab a nigga some socks
That nigga in the car better be listening to that box
Ay, I ain't staking out shit, nigga
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe and ding dong ditch
Ain't a safe I can't crack, nigga, that's on Crip
I'm with my Pirus from Compton, we gon' pass and get rich
50 racks, three niggas, Sixteen-five a split
Let some weeks go by we at the dealership
I never took notes
Nigga I need the pink slip
Hit Icey, making up for my bullshit
Spent about ten cash
We jumped into the whip and did the whole dash
Deez-Lo my nigga, my nigga
Hit my first lick pass with my niggas
※ 引述《twsoriano (卡位)》之銘言:
: 1.新聞網址: ※超過一行請縮址※
: 2.新聞來源︰
: 蘋果即時
: 3.新聞內容︰
: 黑人饒舌歌手YG教唆搶劫華人的種族歧視歌曲《遇見劫匪》(Meet the Flockers),引
: 起華裔族群一片反彈聲浪,超過11萬人向白宮網站「We the People」發起請願,要求禁
: 播這首種族歧視歌曲,近日白宮終於就此事件表態,想不到回應竟是「這屬於言論自由範
: 圍」,讓華裔族群怒斥:「太荒誕!」「如果換成Nigger(指帶有歧視性的黑人稱謂),
: 白宮也是同樣回答嗎?」
: 黑人饒舌歌手YG在歌曲中歧視華人「錢多、好搶」,煽動非裔族群鎖定搶劫華裔,大批對
: 此不滿的民眾於9月底在「We the People」網站發起請願,要求白宮禁播這首種族歧視歌
: 曲。近日簽名簽署的請願人數達到11萬人,超過網站規定的10萬人以上即「必須回應」的
: 門檻,不料白宮對此的回應竟是:「第一憲法修正案保護美國言論自由,白宮並不就特別
: 歌曲是否在公眾傳播作出決定。」再一次掀起華裔社區的憤怒。
: 新民權運動領導人吳一平不滿地對《蘋果》記者表示:「『We the People』是白宮為保
: 障公民權益、言論自由與政治正確而設立的請願網站,沒想到只保護美國主流族裔的『政
: 治正確』。請問言論自由的尺度在哪裡?是以侵害其他少數族裔的利益、保障自己的利益
: 為前提的嗎?如果是這樣,這算什麼言論自由?」
: 白宮此話一出也引發眾多網友的憤慨,表示這是白人看亞裔「好欺負」,有網友指出:「
: 很好奇如果將其中的關鍵詞替換成Nigger,白宮是否還有如此堅定的捍衛言論自由的決心
: ?」
: 還有網友揪出當年NBA快艇隊(Los Angeles Clippers)老闆唐納·史特林(Donald
: Sterling)的種族歧視醜聞表示:「言論自由是在確保『不存在人身攻擊』和『對社會不
: 會產生直接危害』後果的前提下存在的。這種教唆公眾有針對性有策略地搶劫華人,明顯
: 已超過言論自由的範疇,是具有種族歧視的教唆犯罪。之前史特林只是在私人電話中稱呼
: 黑人為Nigger就受到歐巴馬公開譴責,現在卻對這個公開傳播的影音作品卻不聞不問,白
: 宮雙重標準可謂登峰造極。」(王筱辰洋/紐約報導)
: 4.附註︰
: 搭配林飛帆的崩潰文
: 呵呵哈哈 左派 UCCU
: 跟風反川不是什麼問題
: 但因為種族問題反川挺希... 內褲還在嗎?
作者: zxasqw0246 (yoyo)   2016-12-07 10:28:00
大概就哪個87黑人照做 然後就被抓了這樣 限美東西

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