※ 引述《takuminauki (極右派萬歲)》之銘言:
: 1.新聞網址:
: https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190322/1537698/
: 2.新聞來源︰apple
: 3.新聞內容︰
: 【獨家】WHO拒發台灣邀請函 囂張嗆「沒有兩岸諒解就不用期待」
: 「Previous invitations to the WHA have been issued on the basis of a “
: cross-strait understanding”. In the absence of such an understanding
: invitations have not been issued. If there is no “cross-strait understanding
: ” this year, it is not expected that an invitation to the WHA will be issued.
聯合國憲章和世衛組織章程裡面有cross-strait understanding這個詞嗎?
所有的會員都必須符合cross-strait understanding的基礎才可參加嗎?
2300萬人口的(國家?地區?省?不重要)健康衛生人權於不顧? 還公然寫出來?