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作者: DCHC (純愛基本教義派♥) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 市場花園行動:F-35 Block 4 增加核彈裝備
時間: Wed Jun 24 23:26:18 2020
F-35 Block 4的升級費用迅速上升
Block 4 Upgrades Prompt Rise in F-35 Program Cost
Block 4 upgrades in development will modify many existing jets with new
systems and weapons, and will later be added to the production line as new
capabilities are needed to counter new threats. Overall development costs,
which rose by $10.5 billion compared to the 2012 baseline, include the
price of Block 4, designing F-35s to carry nuclear weapons, the growing
costs of the Autonomic Logistics Information System, and higher expenses
associated with deployability. When adjusted for inflation, development
costs grew $12.4 billion.
開發中的Block 4升級將使用許多新系統和武器,以修改許多現有的飛機,並將未來
增加了105億美元,其中包括F-35 Block 4,設計用於運載核武器的價值,
川普表示:F-35 即將成為核子轟炸機
Trump Revealed: The F-35 Will Soon Become a Nuclear Bomber