中央流行疫情指揮中心發言人莊人祥晚間受訪時表示,根據國際頂尖醫學期刊新英格蘭醫 學期刊(NEJM)8月刊登的文章,是以PCR檢測的特異性為95%、敏感性為90%最高值來做說 明。英國醫學期刊(BMJ)5月份也以PCR檢測的特異性為95%、敏感性為70%做說明。 很好奇是怎麼被說明,所以去找了一下,不保證就是對應到這兩篇,但數字剛好對得上。 五月 BMJ https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1808/rapid-responses 這是一個計算機,可以輸入你想要的數字。 其中敏感度預設為70%,特異性預設95%。 八月文章 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2015897 Assume that an RT-PCR test was perfectly specific (always negative in people not infected with SARS-CoV-2) and that the pretest probability for someone who, say, was feeling sick after close contact with someone with Covid-19 was 20%. If the test sensitivity were 95% (95% of infected people test positive), the post-test probability of infection with a negative test would be 1% which might be low enough to consider someone uninfected 假設PCR檢測是特異性100%(沒有偽陽性問題), 與COVID-19患者近距離接觸後感到不適者的檢測前概率為20%。 若測試的敏感度是95%(95%感染者測出陽姓), 陰性測試的"測試後感染概率"應為1%,低到足以認為該員未被感染 The graph shows how the post-test probability of infection varies with the pretest probability for tests with low (70%) and high (95%) sensitivity 這篇圖表顯示,測試前的感染概率在低(70%)與高(95%)敏感度測試下, 如何影響測試後的感染概率, ~~~~~~ 說明一下,這篇的重點是在說明偽陰性問題,指出PCR測試也有偽陰, 然後估算出,在高盛行率下,需要更高敏感度的測試, 才能有效確保感染者"大多"被抓出,以維持感染率在一個合理範圍內。 內文中有"假設"過PCR特異性100%,也有畫出95%特異性但不同敏感度的測試的圖表, 但圖表中特異性並不是重點,而且也沒有說代表PCR測試。