Anjou (å°æ½”我愛妳)
2020-11-08 00:23:20看來被不少勢力盯上了
反正沒差 我資料一堆 PTT 見過我認識我跟我是拜把的一堆
Invite to cooperation
Dear Mr.XXX( 自己暱一下 )
As regard telephone negotiation that I had with you, I told you that Mr.
Farzin Koroorian Motlagh has accepted about selling and released expensive
goods pallets and dollars and euro in Hong Kong warehouses, with your
company. If you have tendency to this cooperation, you and your boss can come
to Iran in order to negotiate with Mr .Farzin Koroorian Motlagh, in relation
of method of this cooperation and signature contract.
Have a best regard and tanks
Abolfazl Taghimolae
Farzin’s executive manager
Dear Mr.XXX
Thanks because of your answer
I propose that the meeting is formatted in Russia (Moscow) with our power of
attorney or with your group’s power of attorney or agent, in order to have
more cooperation with more survey,recognition, and agreement. Also in this
way we and you, will take a strong and serious steps to transaction, with
consideration of document and proof presentation that relate with physical
assets and accounts.
Surely this common meeting will be necessary in order to survey about
agreement and executive tasks.
We will so glad that gain more recognition, about each other abilities.
Have a best regards and tanks
Abolfazl Taghimolae
Farzin’s executive manager
請用關鍵字查 兩百億歐元 莫斯科機場
我只是說一下 老子玩的是亨特的等級在玩的 而且玩得比亨特還高很多