ppp1939 (Jade Blue)
2020-12-01 08:35:001.新聞網址︰
Former President Barack Obama arrested for ESPIONAGE
conservativebeaver_skphjv Posted onNovember 28, 2020
Barack Obama, a former President of the US, was arrested on Nov. 28, 2020, on
a charge that he conspired with a business partner of his who also was a forme
r CIA officer to communicate classified information up to the Top Secret level
to intelligence officials of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Crim
inal Complaint containing the charge was unsealed this morning.
Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney
for the District of Hawaii Kenji M. Price, Assistant Director of the FBI’s C
ounterintelligence Division Alan E. Kohler Jr., and Special Agent in Charge of
the FBI’s Honolulu Field Office Eli S. Miranda made the announcement.
The judge has imposed a “media blackout”, but Canadian outlets like Conserva
tive Beaver are not subject to those rules. Other Canadian and Spanish-languag
e outlets have already reported on this development.
“The trail of Chinese espionage is long and, sadly, strewn with former Americ
an intelligence officers who betrayed their colleagues, their country and its
liberal democratic values to support an authoritarian communist regime,” said
Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers. “This betr
ayal is never worth it. Whether immediately, or many years after they thought
they got away with it, we will find these traitors and we will bring them to
justice. To the Chinese intelligence services, these individuals are expendab
le. To us, they are sad but urgent reminders of the need to stay vigilant.”
“The charges announced today are a sobering reminder to our communities in H
awaii of the constant threat posed by those who seek to jeopardize our nation
’s security through acts of espionage,” said U.S. Attorney Price. “Of parti
cular concern are the criminal acts of those who served in our nation’s intel
ligence community, but then choose to betray their former colleagues and the n
ation-at large by divulging classified national defense information to China.
My office will continue to tenaciously pursue espionage cases.”
“This serious act of espionage is another example in a long string of illicit
activities that the People’s Republic of China is conducting within and aga
inst the United States,” said Alan E. Kohler Jr., Assistant Director of the F
BI’s Counterintelligence Division. “This case demonstrates that no matter t
he length or difficulty of the investigation, the men and women of the FBI wil
l work tirelessly to protect our national security from the threat posed by Ch
inese intelligence services. Let it be known that anyone who violates a posit
ion of trust to betray the United States will face justice, no matter how many
years it takes to bring their crimes to light.”
“These cases are very complicated and take years if not decades to bring to a
conclusion,” said Eli Miranda, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Honolul
u Division. “I could not be more proud of the work done by the men and women
of the FBI’s Honolulu Division in pursuing this case. Their dedication is a
reminder that the FBI will never waiver when it comes to ensuring the safety a
nd security of our nation.”
Obama’s lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.
美國前總統巴拉克毓齯痚芋]Barack Obama)於2020年11月28日被捕,罪名是他與他的商
中華人民共和國(PRC)的官員。 包含指控的刑事投訴今天上午未獲封。
國家安全助理總檢察長約翰嵩滂w默斯(John C. Demers),美國夏威夷地區檢察官肯吉
毀項傽窗]Kenji M.Price),聯邦調查局反情報部助理主任艾倫楓麆ゥ]Alan E. 米蘭達
法官強加了“媒體停電”,但保守派比弗這樣的加拿大媒體不受這些規定的約束。 其他
國家安全助理總檢察長約翰滂w默斯(John C. Demers)說:“中國間諜活動的路很長,
一個專制的共產主義政權。” “這種背叛永遠都不值得。 無論是立即還是在他們認為
自己逃脫後很多年,我們都會找到這些叛徒並將他們繩之以法。 對於中國情報部門來說
,這些人是消耗性的。 對於我們來說,他們感到悲傷而又緊迫,提醒我們需要保持警惕
企圖通過間諜行為危害我們國家安全的人所構成的持續威脅。” “特別令人關注的是,
背叛他們以前的同事和整個國家。 我的辦公室將繼續頑強地從事間諜活動。”
FBI反情報部門助理主任艾倫楓麆ゥ]Alan E. Kohler Jr.)表示:“這種嚴重的間諜活
動是中華人民共和國在美國境內和針對美國進行的一系列非法活動的另一個例子。” “
國家安全不受中國情報部門的威脅。 讓我們知道,任何違反信任立場背叛美國的人都會
FBI檀香山分部主管特工Eli Miranda說:“這些案件非常複雜,要花費數年甚至數十年
才能得出結論。” “我為聯邦調查局檀香山分部的男女所做的工作感到自豪。 他們的
夏威夷被FBI逮捕,報導中有法官的名字,FBI 執行者的名字。法官還下了一個新聞封鎖
這個人在網絡上查證了夏威夷法官的名字,跟FBI 執行者的名字,都證實有這個名字。