美國民營製藥公司COVAXXhttps://reurl.cc/DgdOm6COVAXX成立於2020年初,是美國聯合生物醫學公司(UBI)旗下的子公司,去年開始與台灣聯亞生技集團合作研發UB-612他投資的是美國的製藥公司https://reurl.cc/R0jkYrCOVAXX estimates it can produce 100 million doses infirst half of next year and 1 billion by end of 2021.
Data on how well the vaccine works is still pending.In an email to Reuters, Vaxxinity’s Murphy said the company had completed the Phase 1 trial of 60 volunteers aged 20 to 55 in Taiwan, and is conducting anew study of 3,800 people there, including teens andelderly participants. The company plans larger trials in Brazil and India later this year.之後會在印度跟巴西做大型試驗那台灣如果二期EUA直接大規模施打這個算什麼 我就不知道了喔