先說我輕率的推測,琥碧戈柏可能是隱性的All Lives Matter支持者。
總之,我試著去找原始發言。老實說還沒找到,找到的是這個 :
Whoopi Goldberg: Holocaust 'not about race'
.......It doesn't matter if you're Black or white,
because Black, white, Jews ... everybody eats each other."
改用"Whoopi Goldberg ALM"來搜尋,發現這一則 :
Whoopi Goldberg Slammed for “All Lives Mattering” Police Brutality
Discussion: “Can We Get a New Moderator?”
.........................“But what I want to say is, this is a detriment to
everybody,” she added. “If it can happen to black people, it can happen to
Asian people, and white people, and men and women.”
Happy Lunar New Year,有空再來研究了。