也就是 University of London Worldwide 跟 University of London 還有 LSE 的
WDTK 頁面上方都新增了如下警語:
A large number of requests are being made to this authority regarding Dr Tsai
Ing-wen's thesis. Please make sure that you check if a similar request has
not already been submitted before making your request and that your request
follows our house rules, failure to do so may result in your account being
論文仔真的有夠愛鬧的,鬧到連 WDTK 網站都要出面教訓論文仔了 XDDDDDDDD
希望兩年後這些論文仔還在,可以讓我笑得更爽 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD