Re: [黑特] 葛來儀真的給賴清德很大壓力耶

作者: CavendishJr (花學姐最高)   2023-12-03 01:11:50
※ 引述 《Fallenshit (賽鴿)》 之銘言:
: 這一切都說得通啦
: 難怪自從賴清德上次脫口而出
: 台灣總統可以走入白宮之後
: 突然一連串的親中語言
: 一下子一起吃飯
: 一下子請喝珍奶
: ...
: 葛來儀等大咖投稿的文章
: 這一段就是修理賴清德亂扯當總統可以走入白宮:
: More recently in July 2023, Lai told supporters at a campaign event that his
: party’s ambition is to have a sitting president of Taiwan “enter the White
: House,” which implies his goal is to upgrade Taiwan’s relationship with the
: United States, raising alarm in Beijing and prompting a request for
: clarification from Washington.
: 結果就是呢
: 賴皮話一亂講
: 北京馬上要華盛頓給個交代..
: If he wins the election, Lai should consider revisiting a proposal made by
: DPP legislators in 2014 to suspend the independence clause in the 1991 party
: charter, a nonbinding and reversible step that would give any rhetorical
: commitment to the status quo more weight and credibility.
: 這一段就是台媒所說的
: 要DPP回去修改黨綱啦
: 還要凹三小
: 幹你老師咧
: 最後來點重頭戲
: The Biden administration insists that it has made no changes to the “one
: China” policy. But Biden’s remarks have repeatedly broken with strategic
: ambiguity and mischaracterized U.S. policy. During an August 2021 interview
: with ABC News, Biden stated, incorrectly, that the United States has a treaty
: commitment to defend Taiwan, comparing the U.S. “sacred commitment” to the
: pledges it has made to Japan and South Korea. In the most egregious
: misstatement of U.S. policy on Taiwan to date, Biden told reporters in
: November 2021 that Taiwan “is independent” and “makes its own decisions,”
: a description that contravenes long-standing U.S. policy that does not
: recognize Taiwan as an independent, sovereign state.
: 然後
: 這一段是在講
: 拜登曾說過跟台灣有共同防禦條約
: 還有台灣是獨立的 可以做自己的決定
: 結果葛來儀說
: 我們總統講的話不代表美國
: 不算數唷

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