Reynad (Salty and Rekt)
2015-02-19 15:41:03: 推 henry654 : 有人能翻譯有關amaz的那篇八卦嗎>< 02/19 14:09
: http://ppt.cc/olXq 沒啥好翻的 自己看看吧 就Reynad覺的Amaz很假掰
Yesterday Reynad got asked on stream if Amaz is the same in real life as he
is on his stream. Reynad responded obviously not and called Amaz the
"Pewdiepie of Hearthstone", saying he's a sociopath acting "like a monkey"
and fake, to please the people and get money.
Amaz heard about it and talked about Reynad's MtG ban, how he is a complete
comedian on his stream, always salty, making dramas talking shit about other
streamers, and acting like a 10-year-old.
Popcorn anyone...?
昨天Reynad開台時有人問他 Amaz是不是平常生活就跟實況一個模樣
Reynad表示當然不可能 Amaz演得太過頭了 像在演猴戲 超假der
靠這種方法討好觀眾賺錢 根本是爐石界的Pewdiepie (Pewdiepie躺著也中槍)
說Reynad開台像在搞笑 整天PJSalt(也不管好嘴巴)
沒事就跟別的實況主戰戰 活像10歲小孩
雞排 珍奶 誰要?