Re: [心得] 比賽心得

作者: Severus (小黃)   2015-09-02 11:19:28
※ 引述《tomchen60229 (小威)》之銘言:
: 剛回到台灣 在國外不太可能用手機發文
: 比賽完看到很多推文 巴哈的文章
: 覺得挺難過的 所以決定打這篇文章
: 如果有餘力的版友可以順便幫我轉巴哈嗎?
I just got back.
I saw many forums in Taiwan talking about my luck in the tournament.
That makes me sad, so I've decided to write this.
Feel free to repost this on other forums.
: 這次比賽的運氣算是相當不錯
: 但最後一天跟trump kolento打的時候 互相的運氣比拚其實都相當接近55波
: 下面講解一些比較有印象的事情
: (VOD我只看我覺得我出的有爭議的地方 所以對手的失誤我只提幾個)
Truely, my luck in this tournament has been decent.
However, from my estimation, trump and kolento has about the same luck
as I have when we were competing.
These are some facts that I kept in mind:
(I didn't watch all the VODs. I will only list some of my opponents' errors.)
: 第一天K神真的賽到歪頭
: 每次我起手運氣比較好的時候
: 就一定重賽(4場)(斷線)
: 重賽到最後K神起手超好/我起手不好
: 這場就會結束了
: 我對運氣好壞是不會有太多感情的 因為爐石就這樣啊
: 但重賽害我輸我就會覺得超級無敵霹靂不爽
: 所以打K神打到最後 我臉超臭
: 但接下來的比賽就重新出發 沒斷線我都沒差
Kolento (as a worshiping tone in Chinese) has damn good luck on the first day.
Everytime I got better luck, the internet disconnected and we had to rematch.
Those matchs that did play to the end, ironically all favors Kolento.
I don't get affected much by luck, because I am a professional and that's
how I see this game.
Yet, I do get affected by internet disconnection.
That's why I was really annoyed by then.
I told myself not to be disturbed by internet disconnection.
It's good that the internet problem didn't occur during the rest of the
: 跟trump打其實賽前不太害怕
: 因為光就牌組而言我算是相當克制他帶的牌組
I feel confident competing against trump, since my decks counter his a lot.
I was defeated by Cho in the first game.
I only needed a normal 2 cost minions to trade against a fast palladin.
Not to mention what a disastrous it was to see coin + divine-favor.
: 第一場被阿周害死 沒阿周不一定會贏
: 但阿周絕對是快攻比較希望看到的牌
: 打快攻聖我只需要血多的2費生物就可以交換很多東西
: 更不用說後來的硬幣神恩術有多慘了
: 第二場其實也還好
: 四費我知道他要鬥毆了 因為正常戰士不會吝嗇去砍鏡像
: 但還是得下雪人 不下的話很可能他就直接出其他生物
: 鬥毆最後留鏡像-50%
: 接下來好幾回合沒有生物進來 失去超級多的節奏
: 好不容易傳到紅龍(關於傳送門我最後會在特別留一段來解說)
: 紅龍算是運氣非常不錯了
: 下一個傳送門傳漁人-廢物
: 最後一回合密法飛彈贏的機率-2/3*2/3*2/3=70%+ (飛彈一下都打不到臉或嘲諷)
: 其實我覺得加上我卡牌卡的要死 這場的運氣也就普普通通啊
The second game is ok.
At turn 4, I know he's about to Brawl, otherwise he'll just hammers a
Yet, I still had to put the Yeti on board.
After the brawl, a mirror-image was left. -50% luck.
Later I didn't get minion from the draws, that dragged my tempo.
It was a compensate that I portalled Alexstrasza.
(There will be a clearer comment about unstable-portal later in the pargraph.)
The second portal gave me a Murloc
作者: tomchen60229 (小威)   2015-09-02 11:39:00
打trump第三場奧多爾不翻也沒差啦 我只是想說沒生物下一句有問題 我說的打出伐木機是攻擊trump的伐木機末日早掉出來 沒有聖療在手 trump血線很高trump可以先開始鋪場 很有可能讓這場遊戲是不同結果打K神2費我是七張 猛擊只有一張然後感謝幫翻譯~各個選手帶聖騎的部分 只能確定前三副第四副trump也有帶 我覺得還是要稍微提一下
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