今早看到大哥的po文 就決定也來翻翻看。
全部翻文前 雖然已經看到有版友也試著翻翻看
不過想說既然我都翻完了 不po也對不起自己 囧>
有些地方我也有自己回去看VOD 確認翻譯無誤
最後 9/1開的大哥是對的 我們都支持你 加油~
※ 引述《tomchen60229 (小威)》之銘言:
: 剛回到台灣 在國外不太可能用手機發文
: 比賽完看到很多推文 巴哈的文章
: 覺得挺難過的 所以決定打這篇文章
: 如果有餘力的版友可以順便幫我轉巴哈嗎?
After the tournament I saw many online forums talking about my luck which
made me a little upset, so I decided to type up this post. Feel free to share
it to any other forums.
: 這次比賽的運氣算是相當不錯
: 但最後一天跟trump kolento打的時候 互相的運氣比拚其實都相當接近55波
: 下面講解一些比較有印象的事情
: (VOD我只看我覺得我出的有爭議的地方 所以對手的失誤我只提幾個)
I have to say my luck in this tournament was pretty good. But I feel like
the last day when I was playing Trump and Kolento, our lucks were all fairly
even. The following are the things that I could remember and I'll only discuss
them. (When I watched the VOD I mainly focused on my plays that perhaps
could be missplays, so I will only slightly touch on what I think were a few
of my opponent's errors)
: 第一天K神真的賽到歪頭
: 每次我起手運氣比較好的時候
: 就一定重賽(4場)(斷線)
: 重賽到最後K神起手超好/我起手不好
: 這場就會結束了
: 我對運氣好壞是不會有太多感情的 因為爐石就這樣啊
: 但重賽害我輸我就會覺得超級無敵霹靂不爽
: 所以打K神打到最後 我臉超臭
: 但接下來的比賽就重新出發 沒斷線我都沒差
Godlento was very lucky on the first day. Whenever I had a better opening,
the game disconnected and we had to rematch (4 games). Those rematches that
played to the end all seemed to favour him. Personally I don't really
get affected too much by luck because that is the way Hearthstone is. But I
feel it was those rematches that cost me the games that i could've won and
that made me really really upset. But the rest of the match was like a fresh
new start, no disconnection then I was fine with it.
: 跟trump打其實賽前不太害怕
: 因為光就牌組而言我算是相當克制他帶的牌組
I felt quite confident playing against Trump since the decks I brought seemed
to counter his decks.
: 第一場被阿周害死 沒阿周不一定會贏
: 但阿周絕對是快攻比較希望看到的牌
: 打快攻聖我只需要血多的2費生物就可以交換很多東西
: 更不用說後來的硬幣神恩術有多慘了
Lorewalker Cho had to be the MVP that cost me the first game, but I'm not
saying without Cho i would definitely win. Cho is a minion that aggro would
want to see. Playing against aggro paladin I really only needed a 2 mana
minion with high health to be able to contest the board. Not to mention the
coined divine favor pretty much sealed the game.
: 第二場其實也還好
: 四費我知道他要鬥毆了 因為正常戰士不會吝嗇去砍鏡像
: 但還是得下雪人 不下的話很可能他就直接出其他生物
: 鬥毆最後留鏡像-50%
: 接下來好幾回合沒有生物進來 失去超級多的節奏
: 好不容易傳到紅龍(關於傳送門我最後會在特別留一段來解說)
: 紅龍算是運氣非常不錯了
: 下一個傳送門傳漁人-廢物
: 最後一回合密法飛彈贏的機率-2/3*2/3*2/3=70%+ (飛彈一下都打不到臉或嘲諷)
: 其實我覺得加上我卡牌卡的要死 這場的運氣也就普普通通啊
The second match was okay.
On turn 4 I knew he was going to brawl because warrior in general won't
hesitate to kill off the Mirror Image with the weapon. But I still had to go
with the Mechanical Yeti becuase if I didn't he could put out other minions
instead to get more control of the board.
Brawl with the Mirror Image remaining - 50%
The next few turns I didn't pick up any minions from the draws which lost
me a lot of tempo. Eventually I got Alexstrasza from the Portal. (I'll talk
more about the portal at the end) I have to say getting Alexstrasza was pretty
lucky. The next portal got me a Murloc - useless. The last turn my win rate
with Arcane Missiles would be - 2/3*2/3*2/3 = 70%+ (the missiles missed the
face or the taunt). Overall I feel my hand was pretty bad in this game but
the luck was average.
: 第三場
: 前面沒生物出/沒奧多爾有點衰
: 後面跳末日賽到歪頭啊啊啊啊
: 不過如果我被對面場面壓力嚇到 提早打出伐木機 而不是打臉
: 這場結果還有點難說
: 但這場真的賽賽賽賽賽賽賽賽賽
The third game:
I didn't have minions to put out at the beginning / no Aldor Peacekeeper was
a little unluckly as well. But then came the Doomsayer which was very very
lucky for me (Esport to the max). However, if I felt pressured by the board
and gone for the Piloted Shredder instead of going face, this game would still
be anyone's. But anyways Esport basically carried the game for me.
: 第四場
: 起手換掉殭屍我覺得是很好的換牌
: 中間雙王牌死不來讓我有點抖
: 其實現在的龍術逼出對面的鬥毆之後
: 王牌射掉一隻大隻的生物兼舖其他生物就會贏了
: 不太需要留藍龍收尾
The fourth game:
Disgarding the Zombie Chow was a good mulligan for me. In the mid game though,
not drawing any of my 2 BGHs was a little concerning. Actually in terms of
Malygoslock these days, if you were able to bait out the brawl, BGH one
of your opponent's bigger minions and put out other minions to control the
board, the game would pretty much be yours. You won't even need Malygos to
finish off the game.
: 第五場
: 算是運氣很好
: 對面很卡我蠻順的
: 但其實就算正常打我也還是有自信贏就是了
: 而且Trump有打錯(失誤篇等等XD)
The fifth game:
Pretty lucky, my opponent had a clunky hand and my hand was pretty good. But
I felt quite confident in winning even if our hands were all decent. Besides,
Trump had a missplay. (will discuss later)
: 對上K神
: 第一場
: K神賽到歪頭 我起手全換摸不到食屍鬼/小斧/護甲/猛擊
: K神起手直接飛刀手+兩1費 當然也奠基在K神打對直接出飛刀手
: T7打奴隸是非常劣勢的對戰 一定是要賭對方沒有解 看能不能靠鋪生物直接打爆奴隸
: 而且戰士很多處理一血生物的方法 所以後手一定是出飛刀手
: 中間科學家沒拉爆炸拉毒蛇-50%
: 飛刀毒蛇射死我的護甲不射苦痛/臉-慘
: 最後收尾的胡佛我反而覺得還好 抽到其他傷害卡的機率很高 看到胡佛就笑笑就好了
: 反正這場看起來就是該輸的場 我盡力了
Against Godlento
First game:
Godlento had all his luck at the start. I couldn't get any of my Unstable
Ghoul, Fiery War Axe, Armorsmith or Slam after my mulligan. Godlento had his
Knife Juggler + two 1 mana minion, but of course he made the right call on
getting his Juggler out first. T7 hunter is a very bad match up against patron
warrior, you basically rely on your opponent having no answers to your minions
and you try and get all your minions out fast. The warrior actually has a lot
of ways to deal with 1 health minions so if you have the coin, you must go
for the Juggler play.
In the mid game, the Scientist got the Snake Trap out instead of Explosive
Trap - 50%
The Juggler and Snake Trap combo killed off my Armorsmith but didn't hit my
Acrolyte or face - RNGesus
I felt the Huffer RNG at the end was okay. He had a high percentage of drawing
into other damage cards so... Anyways it seemed I had no chance to come back.
I did my best though.
: 第二場
: 應該算是我賽的多一點
: 起手完全沒低費生物 天生技到T3-慘
: 但K神也T3才硬幣跳生物算是互相卡牌也還好
: 希瓦娜抓小軟泥-33% 慘
: 伐木機掉-水晶 -還好 有點影響但影響不大 可接受
: 這場節奏一直不太好 因為中間一直沒有低費生物來補曲線
: 只能硬著頭皮解場
: 軍需官報到-賽到歪頭 基本上絕對是當時的最佳解 其他可能是貓頭鷹或一視
: 但來軍需官絕對就是賽 沒啥好說
: 奉獻-奉獻反而還好 最後我手上還有聖療 也就是我有抽四張卡的機率抽到貓頭鷹/一視
: 雖然不算高但我覺得也還可接受了
The second game:
I think the luck was on my side a little more. No low cost minions in my
opening hand and I had to hero power till T3 - babyrage. But Godlento also
coined a minion at T3 so I supposed both of our hands were equally bad.
My Sylvanas getting the slime back - 33% (babyrage
The Shredder giving me the Darnassus Aspirant lost me a mana crystal, it had
an effect but not much so handleable.
I felt the tempo of this game was not good for me becuase I didn't have low
cost minions during my mid game to fill in the mana curve. I basically had to
try my best to stay in the game.
Topdecking the Quartermaster was really lucky, basically it was the best card
to handle the situation at the time. Other possible solutions included the Owl
or Equality but the Quartermaster draw was definitely Esport, nothing else
to say about it.
Consercrate- drawing into the Consercrate was okay, I had Lay on Hands in my
hand so basically I had 4 draws to draw into my Owl or Equality. The chance
wasn't high but I was fine with it.
: 第三場
: 這場其實要等到傳送門篇再來講解
: 我可以先給結論 這場我有大失誤 所以輸了活該
The third game:
I rather wait till later to talk about this game (when I also discuss the
Unstable Portal). In conclusion I had a very big missplay so I totally
deserved to be punished for it.
: 第四場
: 奴隸打聖騎就這樣
: K神第一天賽到不行
: 這場正常發揮 就這樣
The fourth game:
Patron against paladin has too much of an advantage. Godlento was lucky on
the first day. This game was pretty ordinary, nothing much to say about it.
: 第五場
: 傳到藍龍超鳥的
: 而且我手牌能卡成那樣也是不簡單 衰到歪頭
: 更不用說戈莫克33%神躲
: 這場打到後來有點不想打了 傳送門篇跟失誤篇會再認真講解
: 總之卡牌卡到死 慘到不行
The fifth game:
Getting the Malygos from the Portal, as well as having a really bad opening
was pretty awful. Not to mention the Gormok 33% dodging my Flamecannon. I
was thinking of giving up this game towards the end. I'll talk more about
the Portal and the missplays later but basically very bad hand at the start.
: 第六場
: 雙方手牌差不多
: 這邊我要特別提個 我起手抓貓頭鷹是非常針對K神的牌組的抓法
: 事實也奏效了 很多時候選手比賽看起手抓牌
: 反而可以看出很多這選手到底強不強的資訊
: 這場我覺得K神最後失誤害他輸了
: 失誤篇我再來提
The sixth game:
Both players had decent cards.
I'd like to mention that I kept the Owl at the start to counter Godlento's
deck and it turned out to be a good mulligan. A lot of times when you watch
how a player mulligans, you can actually tell whether that player is good
or not. This game I think Godlento had a missplay at the end which cost him
the game. I'll talk about it later.
: 第七場
: 傳送門傳到3費以下非一血生物就結果論來說都行 這機率我算不出來XD
: 但算是傳到相當不錯的東西(如果K神有2費嘲諷 3費技師就差很多 但沒有)
: 烈焰火炮-50%
: 大法師-其實這邊保守的算就好 我們只算我大到爆炸的生物
: 爆爆/炎魔/大法師 抽中的機率大概是20%吧
: 第二個傳送門-相當賽 剛好補足曲線 但我覺得這張已經不太影響結果了
The seventh game:
The Portal getting you a minion that is below 3 mana and not 1 health is good
enough of an outcome. Sorry I don't know how to calculate the percentage of
this happening XD. (it would be a different story if Godlento had the 2 mana
taunt and 3 mana blackwing technician, but he didn't)
Flamecannon - 50%
Antonidas - actually if you think about the percentage of the Deathlord pulling
out one of my really large minions (let's just consider Dr. Boom, Ragnaros
and Antonidas) it was roughly about 20%.
However, the second Portal was really lucky because it was able to fill up
my mana curve at the time, though I feel that card didn't really matter that
: 最後一場基本上就是我賽到歪頭
: 其實最後一場覺得蠻遺憾的 我跟K神前面都盡全力互有來往
: 最後一場卻靠著運氣贏了K神 總覺得因此會抹滅我們這個精采的BO7
: (最後跟K神握手後情不自禁的說了:sorry for last game)
: 把言論導向運氣遊戲 真心覺得這種感覺很差
: 說真的這次比賽我覺得我跟K神都值得這次冠軍
: K神非常努力地在短時間組出龍族套牌
: 我自己銀白出來到上飛機前只有50小時左右 大概只睡8小時其他時間都在試牌吧
: (完全不睡覺反而效率會超低)
Basically I had all the luck I need in the last game, which was also a shame
because we were having such great matches. Having to win like this sort of
undone the great BO7 that we were having. (I couldn't help to say "sorry for
last game" when I shook hands with Godlento at the end)
Having all the talks on the luck of the game really upsets me. Let's be honest,
I feel like myself and Godlento all deserved to be the winner of this
tournament. He tried really hard to construct the dragon decks in such short
time and I only had 50 hours from when TGT came out to the time of boarding
the plane to try out different decks. I only slept for 8 hours. (if I had no
sleep then my I would be really inefficient)
: 雖然我不是很喜歡這套法師 但短短的兩天內 我試的許多其他套牌更令我不滿意
: (我試牌至少一副20場+)
: 德魯伊的話我是覺得龍族體質太優秀了 體質優秀的其他生物太多蠻克制德魯伊套牌的
: 新卡其實就我個人觀點
: 沒有真的幫到德魯伊多少 本來組了一副感覺還不錯的野獸德 但最後打的幾場狀況很差
: 就只好放棄了 所以這次才沒帶愛將德魯伊(而且我原本以為會有一堆聖騎)
: 只有我跟K神直接三副裡面選了現在最op的聖騎(也許比奴隸差一點點)
: 而且我們兩個都沒出現多少重大失誤
: 誰贏了都不奇怪 只能說我最後運氣比他好一點 贏下了最後一分
Even though I didn't really like this mage deck I brought, during the 2
days I tried a lot of other different decks which performed worse than this
mage deck. (normally I would play 20+ games to try out each deck)
In terms of not bring druid, I feel the new dragon cards are just too good in
stats and a lot of other good quality minions seem to be countering the new
druid cards.
My personal opinion is that the new cards didn't really help druid that much.
I did construct a beast druid deck but after a few games playing it I felt the
deck wasn't strong enough so I gave that up. This is why I didn't take druid
(and originally I thought there would be a lot of paladins as well).
Only myself and Godlento brought the OP paladin (perhaps it is just slightly
weaker than patron) and we didn't have a lot of crucial missplays so whoever
won wouldn't be too surprising. I can only say I had that extra bit of luck at
the end and won the last game.
: 其實pavel這次也打得很好
: 但他沒測試新牌 獵人在這個meta幾乎是一攤死水
: 他就輸在牌組的準備上輸人一大截 最後獵人被K神穿爆
Actually Pavel played pretty well too but he wasn't testing any new cards.
Hunter in this current meta is basically not that good anymore. His deck
preparation was really behind so at the end his hunter got destroyed by
: (傳送門篇)
: 很多人看到傳送門傳出傳說就覺得太神了吧
: 但傳送門傳出最好的東西其實是剛好最符合你現在需求的生物
: 以節奏法來說很多時候其實比較希望傳出標準白板生物
: 或者剛好符合現在場面的特殊生物(大怪-BGH 嘲諷-黑騎 打秘密聖-魔鼓山)
Unstable Portal:
A lot of people seem to feel the Portal giving you a lengendary is the best
result, however the best minion given by the Portal is actually something
that fits your current need. For example, a lot of times for tempo mage you
would prefer the portal giving you some standard normal minions or tech cards
that deal with the board (big minion-BGH, taunt-black night, secret
: 接下來一隻一隻解說
: 紅龍-非常好的結果 不過效果只扣6滴 所以其他大隻生物可能比較好一點
: 漁人-廢物 但大幅提升最後lethal的機率
: XX勇士-算是相當優質的結果了 剛好二費可以出出去
: 但因為這場打得太貪心失誤沒這樣做而輸
: 基本上4/5費白板等級生物都跟這隻的意思差不多
: 加茲魯維-廢物 5費3/6超慘
: 藍龍-如果我手牌三四費有東西出還不錯 但我那手牌配上這隻就是廢物中的廢物
: 尤其對上快攻你花了2mana卻什麼也沒做到 等於拱手讓敵人勝利 廢物
: 奈幽蛛網領主-還不錯 但如我上面提到 只要1-3費的非一血有一攻的生物都行
: 斯塔拉格-差不多就是最好的結果了 可能贈恨者比他好一點而已
I'll talk about the Portal results one by one:
Alexstrazsa - very good outcome but the effect only deals 6 damage so other
big minions would probably be a little better.
Murloc - useless card but actually increases my chance of lethal at the end.
Saraad - a really good result and you can play it on turn 2. But I got greedy
and didn't play it on turn 2 (missplay) and eventually I lost the game.
Basically getting any 4/5 mana standard minions would be similar to getting
this card.
Gazlow - useless too. 5 mana 3/6 is so bad.
Malygos - If I had cards that could be played with 3 or 4 mana then it would
be good. But looking at my hand this card was basically useless too.
Especially when you were up against aggro and you spent 2 mana but didn't
achieve much. You basically give away the victory.
Nerub'ar weblord - pretty good, like I said before as long as it's a minion
that costs 1-3 mana, not 1 health and has 1 attack.
Stalagg - essentially the best result, perhaps Loatheb would be slightly
: 整體來說其實一半好一半壞
: 我是不覺得我傳送門就有特別強啦
: 神運的傳送門是要配合你手上的法力曲線完美演出
: 才稱得上是神運
: 不然很多時候就只是傳說來雷門而已
Overall the Portal is half good half bad. I don't particularly feel my portal
is stronger than other people. A really lucky portal has to match your current
mana curve to be deemed a lucky portal. Otherwise a lot of times you just
get cards that you cannot play (legendary or not).
: (失誤篇)
: 先從自己的失誤講起
: 1.第一天龍的順序下錯了 但最後對面傷害超高 不影響結果
I'll start with my own missplays.
1. First day the dragon was played in the wrong order, but at the end my
opponent had exceeding amounts of damage so it didn't really matter.
: 2.聖v.sK神那場 軍需官下來之後應該全部打臉 不應該去換
: 為什麼哩?
: 這種時候我們只需要考慮AOE對吧 有可能解場的是
2. Paladin vs. Godlento:
When I played my Quartermaster, I should go face with everything instead of
trading. Why? at this time we really only need to consider AOE and some
possible board clears include the following:
: 1.火占+Nova 這種結果的話 我主動去換會剩一隻2/2軍需官
: 也就是我前一回合少3傷害 後一回合多兩傷害 以要拚擊殺來說 不換比較好
: 2.費倫祝福+Nova 同上
: 3.伊瑟拉的覺醒(聖光炸彈看K神其他比賽就大概確定不可能放)
: 有打臉K神剩三滴 沒辦法丟 沒打臉六滴可以丟 絕對是不換比較好
: 還好K神沒抽到覺醒 不然這手失誤很大
)1. Pyromancer + Nova
In this case if I traded then I would have a 2/2 Quartermaster left, which
means the round before I would lose 3 damage and the round after I have 2 more
damage. If I wanted to kill off my opponent asap, not trading is better.
)2. Valen's Chosen + Nova
as above.
)3. Ysera Awakens
(looking at Godlento's other match, you would know he didn't have Lightbomb)
If I went for face, he would have 3 life remaining and couldn't Awakens. If
I didn't go face he would have 5 life remaining and could Awakens. So it
seems like not trading would be the better choice. Luckily he didn't have
Awakens, otherwise it would be a crucial missplay.
: 這邊順便提一下 看比賽我常常很兇的狂打臉
: 那是因為我認真考慮過對手能做的所有可能性
: 我會怎麼樣被懲罰? 有多少張可以懲罰我? 值不值得在這個對戰組合去冒這個風險?
: 這些都需要非常長期的經驗累積 跟對所有職業牌組很深的了解
On a side note, when I play in tournaments a lot of times I just go face.
This is because I have thoroughly evaluated all the possibilities my opponent
could do. How would I get punished? How many cards could punish me? Is it
worth taking the risk in this match up? This requires long time experience
and understanding of all the different decks.
: 3.法師v.sK神戰士
: 看到勇士又進鏡像 想貪一個(裸下會遇到亞歷史卓莎的勇士/斬殺/盾猛)
: 但這樣打超級無敵世界虧節奏
: 先不說二費什麼事都沒做(丟傳送門跟pass差不多)
: 接下來回合還要點天生技才能發動抽牌效果
: 而抽牌效果對節奏牌組來說是不太重要的
: 這場就在前面打錯 祕法飛彈又沒打中嘲諷龍的狀態下輸了
: 當然沒打錯也不一定贏 但很有贏的可能性!
3. Mage vs. Godlento's warrior
Looking at the Saraad and the Mirror Image in my hand, I went for the greedy
play (If I went for the Saraad, it could be cleared by Alexstrasza's Champion/
Execute/Shield slam), but then this play would lose me a lot of tempo. Let's
not talk about not doing anything on turn 2 (playing the Portal is similar to
passing the turn). I still have to use my hero power the next turn to get
value out of Saraad, but then the effect of card draw is actually not that
important for tempo decks. I had that missplay at the start and then the Arcane
Missiles didn't hit the target I wanted (the taunt dragon), so I lost at the
end. Obviously I'm not saying if I didn't missplay at the time I would
definitely win the game, but I think I did have a chance of winning.
: 4.法師v.sK神聖騎
: 這邊我要先自首
: 我本來想丟藍龍出去 結果他突然移動位置 就丟到蒼蘭龍了...
: 但我後來再仔細想想 藍龍在我已經失血過多的情況下 只有進我唯一一張祕法飛彈有用
: 蒼蘭龍卻能幫助濾喚焰者 所以要我再打一次認真想 我可能還是不太確定丟哪張
: 以結果論來說 丟出藍龍 對面一定全打我臉 所以不知道我可以撐到哪時候
: 照後面進牌看來好像有機會又很微妙
4. Mage vs. Godlento's paladin.
I'll turn myself in first. I thought about throwing out the Malygos but then
for some reason it moved position so I ended up throwing out the Azure Drake...
But after evaluating the situation closely, the m\Malygos would only have an
effect when I draw the only Arcane Missiles in my deck (not to mention I was
actually pretty low on health), but the Azure Drake could potentially help me
draw into my Flamewaker. So if you were to let me replay it again, I'm still
not sure which one is the better play. Looking at the outcome, if I played
Malygos then my opponent would go full face and I have no idea how long I can
hang in there. But looking at the card draws I got, it seem to give me
some chance of coming back but I'm not so sure.
: 5.關於Trump失誤(奴隸v.s術)
: 食屍鬼絕對不是一張你到了T6還能放在場上的卡
: 就算對面有戰鬥狂怒 你炸掉跟對面來撞還是你炸掉比較好(對面撞可以先出生物)
: 跟不用提戰哥白沫可以衝出來了 尤其巨人打奴隸算是優勢對決
: 這種時候一定是打得越保守越好 而且多抽一張牌我不覺得在T7後能做到多少事情
: 當然我覺得這場打到這個狀況 其實trump已經輸定了 所以可能不太影響吧
5. Regarding Trump's missplay (patron v.s warlock)
The Unstable Ghoul is not a minion that you would want to see alive on the
board at T6. Even if your opponent had battle rage, Shadowflame it vs. your
opponent attack with the Ghoul, I would think Shadowflame would be a much
better play. (The Ghoul attacks could potentially allow more patrons to get
in here). Not to mention the possibility of Warsong + Frothing combo and
especially handlock is favoured against patron match up. Under these
circumstances it would be better to play more carefully, besides I don't think
drawing an extra card at T7 can do you much. But I feel at that situation
Trump will lose eventually so probably wouldn't matter much.
: 6.關於K神失誤(牧師v.s術)
: 在我用暗焰的前一回合 K神貪了兩個
: 一個是選擇不撞5攻生物 最後剛好被我爽炸
: 另外一個是不選擇buff自己二費嘲諷 而決定再出一隻生物
: 這邊要來解說一下為什麼buff比較好
: 雙嘲諷為什麼比單嘲諷好?
: 單嘲諷會怕貓頭鷹/靈魂虹吸
: 但有在看我之前比賽就會知道我沒有虹吸(基本上應該推得出來)
: 貓頭鷹一張還兩張就沒有那麼絕對 但以藍龍術的正常配置來說
: 通常是放一張 而且前幾場我也有快把牌庫抽完 大概可以猜得出來我沒有第二張的
: 雙嘲諷怕的則是掃場 我的地獄烈焰/暗影之焰都還沒有出現
: 兩個都可以把K神的場面清的相當乾淨 暗焰我剩兩隻 地獄剩一隻4/1
6. Regarding Godlento's missplay (priest v.s warlock)
At the turn before I used my Shadowflame, Godlento was greedy on two occasions.
One was not choosing to attack my 5 attack minion (which allowed me to
Shadowflame), the other was not choosing to buff his 2 mana taunt but decided
to put out another minion.
Let's talk about why buffing would be better.
Why is double taunt better than single taunt? because single taunt is afraid
of the Owl and Siphon Soul. But if you've been watching at my games you would
know I didn't have Siphon Soul in my deck (should be able to extrapolate
that infomation). How many owls in a deck is not definite but normally in a
Malygoslcok it would be one owl. Besides a few games beforehand I nearly
emptied my deck so you could again guess that I didn't have a second owl.
Double taunt is afraid of board clear AOEs and I haven't played both
of my Hellfire / Shadowflame, both AOE could clear the board to a certain
degree. Shadowflame: I keep my 2 minions, Hellfire: would leave a 4/1 on board.
: 再來提到如果有貓頭鷹 雙嘲諷也只需要再補3點傷害 一樣可以達成lethal
: 而三點對藍龍術來講並不是非常困難的一件事
: 綜合以上分析 我覺得這邊單嘲諷上buff一定是比較好的選擇
Also if I had an owl, I only needed 3 extra damage to lethal even with the
double taunt on board. Getting that 3 extra damage is not particularly hard
for a Malygoslock. In conclusion I think buffing the single taunt has to
be the better choice.
: 如果對相關的分析還有興趣可以看我粉絲團上次大賽的檢討/牌組文
: https://www.facebook.com/tom60229
For more information on game analysis and deck list, please visit my fan page
at https://www.facebook.com/tom60229
: 我覺得現在爐石比較可憐的地方在於
: 賽評只敢揣測現在選手在防守什麼
: 而不敢判斷這決定是好的或壞的(而且賽評跟選手的水準其實差非常多)
: 所以很多不太理解的人就會覺得 喔~他這樣打好像也沒錯啊
: 只是運氣比較差所以輸了 錯了 很多時候都絕對有機率上比較好的選擇
: 甚至有些時候可以根據對方出過的牌判斷對面手上有那些東西
: 很多選手比賽也是失誤連連 但觀眾看不出來
: 很多選手比賽打的超級穩健完美 但觀眾也看不出來
: 於是爐石比賽的記憶點就變成了topdeck rng
: 比賽贏的人就都是運氣好 輸的就是運氣不好
I feel like in the current Hearthstone world, the casters could only guess
what the players are defending against but they don't really comment on
whether the choice is good or bad (and normally the level between the casters
and players is substantial). As a result, a lot of people who don't really
understand the situation would think "oh perhaps this play was good as well,
but you lost because you had bad luck." WRONG! a lot of times there are
potentially better plays and choices and you could even determine what cards
your opponent may have in his/her hand if you look at how they play their
A lot of players have a lot of missplays but the audience don't see it.
A lot of players play greatly or even perfectly but the audience still don't
see it. And this results in people remembering the topdeck rng of every
hearthstone tournaments. You win a tournament with good luck but if you lose
then it's bad luck.
: 打這麼多只是想告訴大家
: 爐石絕對是個需要運氣才能贏的遊戲
: 但爐石同樣包含了相當大量的技術成分
: 只是非常難看得出來
: 而技術高超的玩家如K神 firebat
: 你會發現他們常常在大賽進到四強 去查戰績你會發現他們勝率明顯比其他人高一截
: 難道這些也都是靠運氣累積出來的嗎??
: 希望大家能好好想想
: 最後我想說
: 今年一整年我打進了10多個大大小小的資格賽
: 拿了台灣區資格(blizzcon太緊張打很差真的很對不起台灣觀眾)
: 鐵人論壇冠軍 這兩次國際大比賽冠軍
: 我認為我運氣的確相當不錯
: 但我對我的實力也是絕對非常有自信的
: 如果這些例子都不能說服你爐石需要相當程度的技術
: 那我也找不出更好的例子了
After typing this long post, I just want to tell you all that you definitely
need the luck to win in Hearthstone, but at the same time a lot of skills
and techniques are also involved. It may just be hard to spot.
Some professional players like Godlento and Firebat, you will notice they are
often in the final 4 in a lot of tournaments but if you look up their results,
you will find their win rates are a lot better than other players.
Do you really think they rely on luck to have such high win rates? I would
like everyone to really think about it. Lastly, this year I've participated in
around 10 qualifying tournaments whether big or small. Previously I won the
BlizzCon World Championship Korea & Taiwan Qualifier (sorry to my fans that
I was quite nervous and played really bad in BlizzCon) as well as the
IronForum Night Tournament. Fortunately I think my luck is indeed pretty good,
but I'm also confident in my skills and strength in Hearthstone.
If these examples cannot persuade you to think that Hearthstone still does
require a certain degree of skills then I guess I couldn't find any other
better examples to illustrate this.