官方寫了一篇介紹 有燙的
Asia-Pacific has the indomitable Chen ‘tom60229’ Wei Lin. A life-long
gamer, he got his start on card games in seventh grade. He also spent a lot
of time on Warcraft III and World of Warcraft before moving into Hearthstone.
As one of Taiwan’s top players, he has had multiple Championship showings
and tournament wins, and describes himself as a master of card games.
tom60229 narrowly missed out on qualifying for the HCT World Championship at
the HCT Summer Championship—losing to Ryan ‘Purple’ Murphy-Root—but
redemption (in the form of a spot at the World Championship) has come.
大概就說 魔獸玩家轉爐石 打牌打很久 台灣最強等級
拿過很多比賽獎項 自稱卡牌遊戲大師 被阿紫打下去
不得不說這照片怎麼好像變腫了 WutFace