Fw: [新聞] 難民不改信伊斯蘭就死 只有年輕正妹活下

作者: dragonjj (簡簡單單的傷過 就不算白)   2017-10-02 17:13:52
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1PqVoEn8 ]
作者: CobeBryant (老大-摳比布萊恩) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 難民不改信伊斯蘭就死 只有年輕正妹活下
時間: Mon Oct 2 16:44:59 2017
Hindus were identified and taken to a nearby hill... Only eight women were
allowed to live… mostly the young and the beautiful': Forced conversions
reported at Rohingya refugee camps
Hindu Rohingyas living in Bangladesh relief camps have become a soft target
for those looking to enforce religious conversions on those vulnerable and
alone, fighting for survival in Cox's Bazar.
Both Hindu and Muslim Rohingya have taken shelter after fleeing from Myanmar,
but with far more Muslims than Hindus seeking refuge, the women from the
community - who have already lost their homes and loved ones - are now faced
with the real danger of losing their identity, dignity, and way of life.
Hindu Rohingya women are reporting that they are being forced to remove
sindoor (a traditional vermilion red powder worn by married women along the
parting of their hair) break their bangles, and marry Muslim men, converting
religion in the process.
Many of women are allegedly forced to give up their Hindu traditions and read
namaz (pray) five times a day.
Puja Mullick is among those targeted and she speaks of the trauma she has
gone through for almost three weeks. Puja calls herself Rabia now: the change
happened this month.
Rabia is a Hindu Rohingya who left Myanmar in hope of a refuge. But
circumstances turned her life upside down.
Puja, now Rabia, lost her husband to violence in the last week of August in
She says he was not killed by the army, but by men clad in black with their
faces hidden, who were acting in the name of their religion.
Rabia is not alone. Theoman says her husband and entire family were shot in
front of her but she was left alive to live as a captive.
'They took us to the forest and said I would have to read namaz or they would
release me... My sindoor was removed and my religious shakha pola bangles
'I was told I would be allowed to live only if I changed my religion. I was
made to wear burqa and stay with them to learn their traditions for almost
three weeks.
'I was made to read namaz... I had to say Allah, but my heart was beating for
Bhagwan... My family started searching for me and came to know that I was
living in a Muslim camp.'
The red saree is the only one she has now and her three-year-old son has no
clothes at all.
Mail Today's team met many more such women in the Hindu Rohingya camp in
Kotupalong area of Cox's Bazar district of Bangladesh.
If Puja became Rabia, Rica was being turned into Sadia. Twenty-eight-year-old
Rica Dhar adjusted her orange saree to feed her year-old son as she narrated
a similar tragic tale.
'On Friday (August 25) they entered all the Hindu residences and attacked.
First the mobile phones were taken away and then men were tied and beaten
brutally. My husband worked as a goldsmith.
'They took away all my jewellery and began beating me. All Hindus were
identified and taken to a nearby hill. They were then killed in a row. Only
eight women were allowed to stay among them… mostly young and beautiful.
'They were told ''You will have to turn Muslim and marry us''... We had no
option but to surrender and go with them... We were taken to the forest and
left without food to weaken us mentally also… Then we were brought to a camp
in Bangladesh... Once my Hindu relatives heard about it...they brought me to
this place...''
Both Rica and Puja say there were six more women besides them who shared
their fate.
After they could not be traced anywhere in Myanamar or Bangladesh, they were
identified at the Kotupalong Rohingya camp where they were kept under close
watch by those who were allegedly executing this forcible conversion.
When asked, government officials were clueless about what was going on. 'We
do not have any such information,' said Md. Ali Hossain, deputy commissioner
of Cox's Bazar.
'If it has occurred, we will take necessary action.'
Men hailing from the same Rakhine state went out in search of these women and
allegedly faced torture themselves. Vijay Ram Pal says he was assaulted
during his quest.
'We are victims of Burma army and now we are being tortured here also. Eight
women who were here from Myanmar....they were forcibly taken to another camp
and were asked to convert to Islam.
'Thankfully, a person here in the camp came to save them,' he said.
Puja alias Rabia can now breathe easy. 'I am back in the Hindu camp for the
past three days after being rescued by my some women,' she says.
Around five lakh Rohingyas have entered Bangladeshi territory and are
scattered in different parts of this district.
Among them, are a significant number is of Hindus. When this reporter
apprised Bangladesh's information minister Hasanul Haq Inu about the
situation, he promised action.
'The news is very bad and astounding... we have taken all measures to put
Rohingya Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Buddhist families in separate camps,'
he said.
'We will be investigating this and we will be very tough.'
https://imgur.com/sBFkFjc (被救出的兩名女子)
"我們被帶去森林,被迫禮拜. 我的sindoor(代表已婚)被移除shakha pola(印度教飾品)
他們說 : 你們必須變成穆斯林,並嫁給我們"
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
pietro版友在質疑為什麼緬甸印度教徒也要逃往孟加拉 結果真相報導出來
原來不是緬甸軍警的所作所為 而是孟加拉難民們自己殺害印度教徒
還逼漂亮女性改信並且嫁給穆斯林 這就是現代穆斯林的所作所為
難怪緬甸人都討厭孟加拉難民 其來有自的
作者: voei (voei)   2017-10-03 20:41:00
作者: Pietro (☞金肅πετροσ)   2017-10-04 06:36:00
那好 那就針對搞出這種行為的武裝部隊鎮壓 不要去殺羅人/"孟加拉難民"平民阿 簡單吧
作者: monarchist (ドン・キホーテちゃん)   2017-10-04 10:21:00

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